
March 22, 2014

Photo a Day // March // Weeks 2 & 3

O N E | My favorite candy.

T W O | I was listening to Chris Tomlin sing Chosen Generation and stopped to ponder the verse that the song is based on. 

T H R E E | Chipping nails and a cuppa tea.  It's comfortable.

F O U R | Mom and I have been putting a 1000 piece puzzle together.

F I V E | Steak fries.  So yummy!!

S I X | Leia, Sweet Pea's ewe lamb.  She and her twin brother Luke are a week old now!

S E V E N | On our way to the swing dance last Saturday evening.  The sunset was so beautiful and the moon was out...

E I G H T | Moon.  Taken from a moving car, so not the best.  But I love it.

N I N E | My bottle baby, Maryann, taking a nap in the sun on our back porch.

T E N | Yes.  That's a Duck Dynasty Willie bobble-head!
My awesome Aunt Liz sent me a package of goodies for my birthday.

E L E V E N | The Bonnie dog and Maryann playing in the basement.  Maryann is back outside now, but Bonnie certainly enjoyed having a friend inside. :)

T W E L V E | My cousin Abbie also sent me an awesome package of birthday goodies, including these awesome socks!

T H I R T E E N | The first day of spring, it snowed. Yup.

F O U R T E E N | Birthday Starbucks with the bestie.  Which turned out to be a clever and tricky ruse to get me out of the house so she could throw me a surprise party!  I was never more surprised in my life, I assure you!  And don't let me have coffee again, Kellie.  I didn't stop vibrating for hours.

: :

A busy, exhausting, but rewarding two weeks!  Three of my ewes lambed, giving me six healthy lambs.  Praise the Lord!  Maggie, my new mother, had twins her first time (they typically have a single the first time), but ended up rejecting one after a day.  Maryann is now my bottle baby, and doing quite well.  Her brother, Gilligan, was overeating because his mommy had milk for two, but I finally got that sorted.  They're all doing so well and I love to sit and watch them frisk around in the sunshine!  I'm still waiting for Ingrid to lamb, and I have no idea when that will be.  It's been so nice to have a break, especially after not getting a lot of sleep and being so physically exhausted that I made myself sick.  Joy.  I'm finally feeling like a human being again, and that is a very good feeling, indeed!

And I'll be sharing pictures and video from the most epic-ally awesome Doctor Who Surprise Party EVER sometime soon!  Unless Kellie shares them first. *grin*

The next 3 sales get an additional $5 off of their order of $15 or more!  Everything is already 15% off, so you're getting a super sweet deal!  Plus, all orders come with a freed gift!  How can you beat that?!


  1. The fries look delicious, that sunset beautiful, and can't wait to hear about your surprise party!

  2. The lambs are adorable.

    My family are all giant Duck Dynasty fans. In fact its one of the few shows that my Dad will actually sit through. I love Uncle Si, and that's a fact Jack!

    I'm surprised there's not more snow on your mountains. I was just talking to a friend in Grangeville, who said there high for the day was in the 30's. Brrrr
    And here we are roasting away.


  3. So happy to see a few pictures of your lambs. They are adorable! Oh theses faces!! It is great that Maryann is also getting along better now and outside with the others playing.

    Hehe, nothing like a surprise party! What fun that must have been and looking forward to photos of the event.

    You know, Junior mints, or chocolate mint of any kind is my absolute favorite too! Love that combination. Well, to be honest, quality chocolate of any kind is my favorite . The mini dark Three Musketeers bars to name just one!

  4. Junior Mints are awesome!
    Also love the photo of the sunset!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. QUOTE: "Birthday Starbucks with the bestie. Which turned out to be a clever and tricky ruse to get me out of the house so she could throw me a surprise party! I was never more surprised in my life, I assure you!"

    Hee! Reminds me of my birthday (well, the day after) last year--my sneaky mamma took me thrifting in the morning, and when we got back around noon, there were over a dozen people and some tasty snacks waiting for me in the workroom! Isn't it great when people love you enough to do fun things like that for you? :-)

    QUOTE: "And don't let me have coffee on again, Kellie. I didn't stop vibrating for hours."

    *Shudder* I feel your pain, girlie. Now you know why I don't drink coffee. Hot chocolate, anyone?

    Glad to hear your lambies are doing well. And what cute names you've picked. Hopefully the last one(s) will come soon, and be healthy!

    God bless,
    ~"Tom Wild Rose"~

  7. I believe I have driven on that very road in photo #7 on my many holidays to ID! Idaho is surely one of the loveliest places in the world and I so enjoy getting my weekly dose of it. :) Thank you for sharing.


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