
February 2, 2014

Sunday Style // Snowflakes

o u t f i t
ruffle scarf // Wool & Whatnot
cameo pin // gifted
cabled v-neck sweater // thrifted {Goodwill}
pink and tan plaid a-line skirt // made by me
brown flats // thrifted {Goodwill}

Isn't it wonderful when your favorite clothes go together?  One of my favorite skirts and favorite sweaters in this outfit!  I have a major weakness for cable knit sweaters and plaid skirts.  The tan ruffle scarf really pulls the outfit together, and the cameo adds vintage charm and sparkle.

Linking up to...
Perspective} WIW to church

Today at church we continued in our study of John.  The focus was on Jesus Christ as God.  Sometimes, we just think of His earthly ministry, and "forget" that He is God.  Before the creation of the world, He was.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
John 1: 1-5

The Word is Jesus.  Not only is He our Savior, He is our Creator!!  Just ponder that for a second.

: :

I'm super excited about this week.  Looking forward to the debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye on Tuesday (they're live streaming it at our church), Bible study on Wednesday, a Duck Dynasty marathon at some friend's house Thursday evening, and swing dancing on Saturday!  You'll notice I skipped Monday and Friday.  That's because all I have going on Monday is a dental appointment.  Ugh.  And no plans for Friday.  Which is great.  I'll be able to get some cleaning and sorting least, that's the plan. *wink* 

How about you?  What was your sermon about?
What are your plans for this week?  I want to know!

Check out my real life friend Maria's new blog Northwestern Girl!
She takes fabulously wonderful photos and her little spot of Idaho is just gorgeous!


  1. Beautiful outfit! The skirt is lovely and the sweater looks cozy % classy!

    The sermon we heard at the church we played special music for this morning was about how God doesn't just want offerings and sacrifices, but "What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God."

    I noticed Steve McQueen on your sidebar--really enjoy is acting in Wanted Dead or Alive.

    God bless!

  2. Absolutely beautiful, dear! I love the snowflakes, though they did sort of mess up my day:)

    I love John 1:1-5. It reads like the most glorious poetry - and holds so much.

  3. Wool A-Line skirts with cable sweaters are the best! I do love the camel ruffle scarf with the cameo addition as well. That gives me a good idea how to wear mine now! Ruffles and cameos=total fun for a dressed up classic! Love the snowflakes. They are so perfect!

  4. I don't think I told you yesterday, but I really like that skirt. Actually, that entire outfit is just super cute!

    Love your new header!

    P.S that was sweet of you to share my blog link.:)

  5. Just started a study in Romans for every Sunday morning. :)

    Plans..ahh..umm..hmm...stay warm?! The forecast looks awful. I am going to this Sweethearts Ball Saturday though, so I'll be dancing too! Not a clue what to wear. :)

  6. Bethany - Thanks! The sweater is very cozy and so soft. Love it. :)
    That sounds like a really good sermon. Something we all need to be reminded of.
    I love watching Wanted: Dead or Alive! One of my favorites!! I mean, it's Steve McQueen! ;)

    Kellie - They did mess up your day...but hopefully the dance and our sleepover made up for it. ;D

    Winnie - I'm glad you have some new scarf inspiration! :)

    Maria - Thanks, dear:) Aww, you're welcome!

    Rachel - Ha! Staying warm is always a good idea this time of year!!
    Ooh, I want to hear about the ball! How was it?


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