
February 5, 2014

January 2014 // Report Card

I thought giving myself a monthly report card would help me to stay on top of my goals for this year.  Here's my first one.  I'm almost afraid to see how this turns out... *covers eyes*  I've also included a few photos from events that didn't get a proper post.

Photo a Day & Weekly Posting |  I'd have to give myself an A for this goal.  I've been doing pretty good., except for when I was sick.  Haven't gotten around to setting up the blog for sponsors/adds, but we're only one month in.  I've got time.  *chuckles*

New Year's Eve Swing Dance!
One Cross Stitch a Month | A big, fat zero (or F) on this!  However, I was sick for a good part of this month, which kept me from going to the fabric store and buying some necessary supplies.  Tell you what, next time I'm in town I'm going to stop at the fabric store.  I'm going to do it!

Movie "Fast" on Sundays |  This, I have been doing.  Aside from when I was sick...I was to miserable to do anything else.  Also, I was so sick I didn't realize it was Sunday.  So I'm going to give myself an A for this one. *grin*

Laura's Going Away/Birthday Party - I miss you so much, girl! :(

Buy Less Clothes |  I've done quite well on this.  No thrift store visits.  I did buy one skirt from eShakti, but that was because I had gift card credits that had to be used up.  You wouldn't want me to let those go to waste, would you?! ;)  I'll give myself an A. *wink*

Invest in Items for my Hope Chest | Nothing to report.

Practice my Mandolin |  Also nothing to report.  I get an F.

Hannah & Jason's Wedding
Keep up on House Cleaning | Aside from when I had the flu, I've been getting a lot of cleaning done.  A+ for me!! *big grin*

Spend More Time in the Word |  I have been getting so much more out of my Bible studies lately.  It's been so good to dig deeper, to really study a passage until I thoroughly understand it.  The Lord is so good to me.  So patient and faithful.

And that's it!  On the whole, I didn't do to bad.  We'll see what February has in store for me. *smile*

If you made any, how are you doing with your 2014 goals?  I want to know!


  1. I love your Report Card for January!! It sounds like you are off to a very good start. February is a shorter month so the pressure is on!! Hehehe! And my goals report you ask??? Well......ahem, shall we say I just got around to writing them down about two weeks ago? Progress? Well......let me just say I am sort of dancing around the edges and getting the really easy and sort of inconsequential things done. My F for the month? Making time to read more every day! I keep myself busy with everything BUT reading more. But, hey, it is February so there is hope!


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!