
January 4, 2014

Photo a Day // January // Week One

{One} Prim the goat, eagerly awaiting her breakfast!
{Two} Coming home from a friend's house in the rain, I was fiddling with manual focus and got this.  Also, my bro was doing the driving. ;)
{Three} My well worn cowboy boots.  There is nothing more comfortable on this earth.
{Four} Mirror shots will never not be cool...especially when you're wearing sunglasses.

I liked Kristin's idea of sharing her photos for the entire week at the end of the week (or maybe that was just the way the challenge worked...idk), so I decided to do the same.  I'm planning on sharing my photos from the week on Saturdays, which is why this post represents a half week. I already take a lot of photos, but this gives me the incentive to try new things and learn to use my camera more efficiently.  Any tips from my photographer friends are welcome!

I found some of these challenge ideas on Pinterest.  
I'm not following it exactly, but if I get stuck, it provides some inspiration.

What do you like to take pictures of?  I want to know!


  1. Very fun photos of your first week. You know, I think that whatever captures your interest each week is worthy of seeing if you can produce a photograph that shares what you find in the moment. I am not sure you can script what to shoot because you never know what might catch your attention at a given moment like a sunset, animal scene, delicious dessert, cup of steaming tea etc. I would say, just be open to things of interest and play around with the various settings on your camera and see what emerges. I don't think you can go wrong here by sharing both the obvious and the extraordinary moments of any given day! Have fun!!

  2. All the pictures are stunning! :)
    I really love your boots.

    Thanks for sharing and have a beautiful day.

  3. Okay, that mirror picture is total coolness. You're a really talented photographer!

  4. I second GreenMedallion's comment--that mirror-shot has "cool" written all over it.
    For a moment, I thought it was a DW screen-shot--for some reason, the tall fellow's trench coat and hairdo say "Eleven" to me (and I don't even watch the show)! :-)

    God bless, and have fun getting acquainted with Jack. :-D
    ~"Tom Wild Rose"~

  5. Love this! I've been thinking about doing some sort of photo a day challenge for while, now - I love the whole idea. So you've officially inspired me to dive in:)

    These pics are so much fun... but the last definitely takes the cake. Totes cool.

  6. Great pictures Natasha! I like each one but the mirror has to be my favorite! Awesome, and so funny! Where did you take it? Looks like a hotel. :)And who are the other two guys with Alex?

    The biggest suggestions I could give you is to try and use manual mode as much as possible, and take pictures of things from a different perspective than the way you would normally see it.

    What ever captures my fancy to take a picture, of at the moment, is usually what I photograph. Sunsets, scenery, people, food, you name it.:)


  7. Winnie - Very true! I love capturing the little details around me, and am inspired by the moment.

    Delvalina - Thank you:) I love my boots, too.
    I hope you have a beautiful day, too!

    GreenMedallion - Thanks! I still have so much to learn, but I am very pleased with how that photo turned out!

    Tom - Now that, is a compliment!! :D

    Kellie - You should!! =D

    Maria - I took it yesterday after the wedding we went to. It was at the Red Lion hotel in Post Falls. The two other guys are Timothy and Phillip, two of the brides brothers and friends of ours.
    Using different perspectives is something I need to work on, as well as the manual mode. We'll have to get together with our matching cameras and do a photo shoot together. :)


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