
January 31, 2014


Hello there, peoples! *smile*  I haven't done a Miscellany post for a while, so get ready...

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There's a chance that Pastor Saeed Abedini could be granted clemency and released from prison!  Sign the petition and find out more at the BeHeard Project!

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The second video in the YouTube series The Monaco Files filmed, created, and edited by my talented bro and his production crew!

Follow their YouTube channel and stay tuned to see what Jack and Jason will be trying next!

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This week at Bible study, I invented the Hymnal Game.  The object of the game is to carry on a conversation using only the titles of hymns.  Try it sometime.  The results are hilarious and awesome!  For about 5 minutes, everyone at the study were looking through the index and shouting out titles while laughing until we couldn't breath. *grin*

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We watched Monsters University finally.  I was prepared for it to be good, but I wasn't prepared for it to be every bit as good as everyone said it was!  And it was!!  Little Mike was completely adorable, and Art made me laugh so hard.  Definitely a win, in my book.

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Well, we have snow again.  The first big snow of the year, finally!  We usually have over a foot of snow on the ground from just after Thanksgiving until sometime between March and the end of April.  So it was highly unusual to have no snow all through January.  But we have it now!

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Wednesday morning, I drove downtown to attend a volunteer orientation at the Open Arms Real Choices clinic.  It was snowing like crazy, the roads were bad, everyone was going about 35 mph on the highway, and I was so scared that my legs were shaking.  But, I made it, found the clinic, and was only 20 minutes late.  *grin*  I am so, SO excited about volunteering at Open Arms!  I've known that it was something the Lord wanted me to do for about 4 years now, but everything was so crazy at home that I couldn't until now.  Now, I just need to finish filling out the volunteer application, get some references, turn them in, have my interview, and start training.  So EXCITED!!!  You'll definitely be hearing more about this in the future!

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I've been so encouraged by this song lately.  The Lord does some of His most powerful and effective work in our lives when we've come to the point of giving up.  When we are weak, He is strong.

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What have you been doing this week?  I want to know!


  1. I'm glad you loved Monsters University. :) It is so good! I agree- little Mike is adorable and Art is hilarious (he ties with Squishy as my favorite new character).

  2. Not sure about the Monoco Files project. Worked too many years in the Operating Room on call! Your clinic work sounds very interesting and important! I bet you will enjoy the challenge! Glad your week was such a good one, including the snow you had been waiting for.

  3. *happy sigh....I loved each part of your post...mimics a lot of my happy, busy life in some way... Maybe we'll run into each other volunteering, if God so allows me to settle down here.. ;)
    Gotta love come we got the dangerously creative ones, and their friends are in on it too?? ;) The next one sounds exciting one too...come Spring.
    God is strong enough, praise Him!!
    Haven't watched Monsters U. yet...not sure if it's too cheesy...but I have heard good things about it too. :) know all about my week. :)

  4. Haha, I just watched Monster University last night! It was great and so hilarious! I wouldn't say it's as good as the first, but definitely worth waiting for! (I waited until our library got it)

  5. Epic Monaco Files vid! Lots of talent there for sure:D The Hymnal Game sounds a lot like the Encyclopedia Game... hehe. Love it.

  6. Cool video! Reminded me of National Treasure in the beginning...they are in the boat and rushing to get out because the gunpowder caught fire and it's about to explode...yep, good movie. ^.^

    Looking forward to hearing about your volunteering! Sounds exciting :)


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