
December 17, 2013

Christmas Twenty Thirteen // Decorating {part one}

Our Christmas festivities began at Dinah Raye and Roger's house.  Basically, I feel like they're my aunt and uncle.  Besides seeing them at church, I generally stop by their house once a week for a visit on my way to the library.  Which is where I was this afternoon, actually. They live about 10 minutes or so away from me, which is terribly convenient.  We always have a wonderful visit and they make me laugh so much. *smile*  So this year my friend Laura, myself, and my bro got to help decorate their tree.  Happy happy happy! *grin* 

We thought this bell snowman was cute.
And we thought this sheep had an oddly shaped head.  What do you think?
It's Christmas tree Laura!  We were looking for burnt out bulbs, and this happened. ;)

Of course, all of that hard work made us hungry.  These mortal forms require sustenance!  Donuts and hot chocolate are always a good idea.  So let it be written, so let it be done.

"I'm in shock!  Look, I have a blanket!"  My bro claims the tulle kept him warm.  Jury's still out...
Somewhere along the way, we found it necessary to string this sock snowman up with a string of lights...

We fit every single ornament they had on that tree.  What do you think?  Did we overdo it a bit?

Merry Christmas!


  1. It is simply impossible to "over-do" a Christmas tree!

  2. Fun, fun! And no, the tree looks happily stuffed with memories, but not overdone.

    Alex looks like he's trying to shoot the tree with his Finger Gun....

    Love your sweater-vest, lassie! So very festive. :-)

    God bless, and have a Merry Christmas!
    ~"Tom Wild Rose"~

  3. The tree turned out perfect! Christmas ornaments are such fun to go through and then find the perfect spot on the tree to hang. I love the part when it is all done and you sit on the sofa, with hot cocoa in hand, and enjoy the finished product! Deck the halls with boughs of holly…..!!

  4. Loved this Natasha! :)
    It is wonderful to spend afternoons with beloved friends!

    What a nice sweater vest. ;)


  5. Love the 'Sherlock' reference! :)
    Also your vest is gorgeous!
    The tree looks beautiful... :)

  6. Howdey!
    I should comment on here more often since I read it... :) Love the tree! And the photos. Donuts and Hot cocoa *are* always a good idea. *nods in approval* Also - You freakin' quoted The Ten Commandments! O.O You're awesome. :D

  7. Did you just quote The Ten Commandments?!?

    "So let it be written, so let it be done."

    My sibs and I say that to each other allllll the time! Hehehe.

    The tree looks great! ;) Fun pictures.

  8. Kalin - I'm inclined to agree with you. :)

    Tom - lol! I got that Get Smart reference!
    I've had that vest for years, and I still love it.

    Winnie - I love looking through the ornaments. Probably my favorite part of decorating...although, enjoying the finished project is quite wonderful! :)

    Cassie - I love time spent with my friends:) And I love that vest, too.

    BatZion Francesca - Someone got the Sherlock reference! :D
    Seems that everyone loves my vest...and I agree!

    Anna - Hehe :D I love the Ten Commandments. Brilliantly done film!

    GreenMedallion - I did, indeed. ;) My entire circle of friends says it quite often. ;)


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!