
November 1, 2013

The Josties

Most of you have heard of them, and if you haven't, then you have been missing out.  A lot.

The Jost family band (known as The Josties) have a ministry traveling around, sharing their music and God's blessings with all who hear them.  I had the privilege of hearing them and meeting them on October 30th in Four Lakes, WA.  It was completely worth the hour long drive, I assure you!

So far, all of the wonderful people I've met and enjoyed online have been every bit as wonderful in person, and the Josts are no exception.  By the end of the evening, we were all laughing and hugging as we said good-bye.  And the credit for that is largely due to my bro.  Who says homeschoolers don't know how to make friends and socialize??  He's such a people person, and has no problem starting conversations with strangers.  I'm so thankful for him.

Alex and Joel really hit it off, especially since they're both interested in movie making.

JostieFlicks was my first introduction to the Jost family.  Watch a few.  You'll thank me later.

One more...just one more.  It was hard limiting myself to only four. *smile*

front row| Amy-Joy, Joseph, Hannah-Grace, me, Michell, and Laura.
back row| Joshua, Judah, and Joel
Joining us for this evening were my friends Michelle and Laura.  Needless to say, the hour long car rides to and from were filled with laughter, singing, fun, and glow-sticks (wherever Laura is, there will be glow-sticks;).  We entertain passing motorists with them.  We are epic.

Emily, Hannah-Grace, Joseph, me, my bro, Judah, Josiah, Michelle, and Joshua in the back.
Thank you for a wonderful evening, Josties!  I was blessed both by your music and by meeting you all.  I hope we'll see you again next year when you're up our way!


  1. So awesome! (OK that sounded really mature :)) I think it would be so much fun to meet them! And yes I am a big fan of they're videos :)


  2. Fun group of creative musicians! No wonder you had a great time!!

  3. Our family is from Alberta, the same province that they live, and we have gone to several of their concerts, as well as some of their home fellowship meetings, and other events where they have been. (Sorry, run-on sentence:) They are lovely people, aren't they? I remember playing different games with them. . . Joel cracks me up quite a bit:)

  4. Oh, so you went to their concert? Amanda, told us they were going to be having one in Fernwood this week, and actually introduced us to the jostie flicks last week. We have almost watched all of them so far. Lauralea, can perfectly imitate "Martha's voice" from the Martha videos. So hilarious! I will have to have her do it for you sometime.:)

  5. Looks like you had a really neat time! Those videos are fun.

    I have a question for you. Those are youtube videos, but there's not links to other videos at the end like usual. How did you prevent that? Becca and I have tried to remove those from our videos we post, but to no avail.

    -Bethany (commenting under Becca's account :) )

  6. How fun! Nope, I have never heard/listened to them before this.I loved the 'man van'!:D Our family loves this kind of music! Thanks for 'introducing' us to them! :)
    You look beautiful in the pictures by the way! :)

  7. Oh, looks like a fabulous time. I was so, so sad to miss going, but a rain check for next year will have to do. And Rhythm and Muse has to be one of my very favorites... brilliant!
    I can totally see Alex and Joel making a dent in the atmosphere - love it;)

  8. Lucky! Why wasn't I invited? LOL Looks like you had a wonderful time and I'm so happy for you. :D

  9. I had never heard of this group until now. Those videos were hilarious!! I am now exploring their channel.... :P


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