
November 29, 2013

And we are live! | Black Friday Sale

Hello there everyone!  I trust you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday.  I certainly did!
I'd love it if you would drop by the shop today (no pressure to buy anything, but 'favorites' would be welcome:), or even help spread the word about my Black Friday - Cyber Monday sale on your blogs and other social media!  Feel free to use the sale spread below...

I'm getting ready to go visit a friend who is in the hospital and I'm thinking a purple ruffle scarf will help cheer her up. *smile*

Are you brave enough to go shopping on Black Friday?  Is it worth the crowds?  I want to know!

On a completely unrelated topic, the green and purple in the first photo remind me of Penelope's scarf. :)


  1. I came and shopped early! Love shopping at home in the comfort of my office area with hot coffee in hand!!! Would that adorable green hat and purple scarf just happen to me making it into a package for Florida? Love, love , love those colors!

    Yes, a purple ruffled scarf would be a wonderful Get Well surprise for your friend! After all, she is going to need a little pick me up given she spent Thanksgiving in the hospital.

    Brave enough for the Black Friday crowds? Me?? I hate shopping in stores when there aren't any crowds let alone when they are jammed packed with shoppers and long lines. For me, nothing is worth all that hassle. Besides, who wants to do all that when you can shop at cool places like Wool&What-Not?

  2. Hey! Yes we did have a great Thanksgiving!
    Yesterday we went to a few thrift shops for our excitement of BF. :)
    One store had all their clothing for a $1! The other had the entire store 60% off! Yup, we had fun! :)
    I am posting today and will make sure to include your (super cute:) sale college!


  3. Winnie - Yes, that's your order I'm getting ready to ship! :D
    I'm not brave enough for Black Friday shopping, either:)

    Cassie - Can't wait to see what you bought!!


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!