
October 22, 2013

Burnt Orange | New in the Shop

o u t f i t
Bow Slouch Hat in Orange // by Wool & What-not
brown sweater // thrifted
lace blouse // thrifted
brown tank // thrifted
brown eyelet skirt // thrifted
cowgirl boots // Ariat

Orange.  It's not a color I normally like.  But this hat almost has me loving the color...that's saying a lot!  Also, are you starting to get the feeling that I do a lot of thrift store shopping??  Yeah...they're awesome!!

Mein brother und mein photographer, Alex.  Doesn't he do a fantastic job?!


  1. Beautiful pictures Natasha! He does a great job!
    Love the new color!
    Nice boots! I just bought some Ariats!
    Such great boots!

  2. I LOVE burnt orange. It's puuuurty.

    You rock that hat, girlie. lol.

    Your brother does take really good pictures. That one with the sun shining through your hair... (sixth or seventh down, I think) that one's gorgeous. You should use it as your profile. :)


  3. Totally random here, but in the seventh photo down (the horizontal headshot one) you look so much like my friend Carrie! That expression is totally like her. It's funny because I've often though of how much you remind me of her, 'cause you both have such similar personalities.

    Ahem... Anyways, super cute outfit as usual and I think orange looks really good on you! I'm really loving that skirt. Eyelet is so pretty!

  4. That hat is gorgeous! The color is just so perfect for fall.(:
    And your hair is beautiful!!(:

    decked out in ruffles

  5. K, Tasha, this is so funny - I've been seeing orange cropping up in my wardrobe more this Autumn as well. And I alway thought I detested it in clothing, too. Obviously. I lOVE you in this color and and adore this tam to pieces;)

    Alex - these photos are exquisite. The light is amazing, and the framing in the first one makes for one of my all time favorite photographs.
    Tasha - you're so gorgeous. <3

  6. You already know how I love pumpkin orange!! Grin. Alex does a great job of taking photos and your Bonnie Belle with that pumpkin on her nose is just so adorable!!!
    Love this outfit with your boots and layers in chocolate and cream. Just the perfect background for a splash of October Pumpkin Goodness(OPG) !!

  7. Wow, you live in such a beautiful area! And yeah, I don't really love orange either, but I'm wearing a ton more now that it's fall :p And you're a whovian? girl, I'm watching season 7 as I'm writing this...

    Oh, and your brother is a great photographer :) You're lucky to have someone to take your pictures!


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!