
September 6, 2013

Treasured // To the Moon and Back

There isn't anything about this collection I don't love.  The soft colors send warmth through me, and make me long all the more for autumn days spent crunching through the leaves.

: : Featured Product : :


  1. Ooohhh, this treasury is so gorgeous! The colors are so subtle and soft. That spun yarn immediately caught my attention as a great color scheme for a fall infinity scarf or loose beret when those cooler temps make their way down your way. I love the fall. It renews my energy and makes being outside once again possible without sweating to death and being eaten up by mosquitoes!!

  2. I tagged you!!!

  3. What fun to be "treasured"! Your grey laptop sleeve fits in nicely with the color scheme.

    You have been Tagged!

    God bless,

  4. Thanks so much for the tags, girls! I haven't had time to do any tags lately, but I love that you thought of me:)


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