
September 23, 2013

Sunday Style // Cameo Appearance

There's a chilly Fall nip in the air, and I'm so excited to pull out my jackets, long skirts, and sweaters again!  Autumn is my favorite season, partially because of layering.  So many more accessory options!

o u t f i t 
denim jacket // thrifted
sea foam tee // thrifted
floral skirt // Coldwater Creek {clearance}
brown flats // thrifted
cameo brooch // gifted
hair flower // Kellie Falconer Design

: :

I'll admit it...I was distracted yesterday and I honestly don't remember much of the sermon.  See, we've all done it.  Don't be afraid to admit it!  Just ask the Lord to help you concentrate and do the best you can.

I do remember that we were in John 17 and this verse jumped out at me...

I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are mine.
John 17:9

This is Jesus speaking to the Father.  He prays for us, folks.  For those who are His.  If you're a believer, then you are His and He prays for you.  Think about that.  I gave up on concentrating on the sermon yesterday and just pondered that verse.  And felt very, very special.  Very, very loved by my Savior.

How was your Sunday?  What was your sermon about?  I want to know!


  1. So pretty! I love that cameo.

    And THANKS for what you said about John 17:9. How very wondrous.


  2. Pretty, pretty cameo! It looks really good with denim too! I never would have thought about the combination myself, but it works. Enjoy that change of weather for me. We are in the middle of some tropical waves off of the gulf, so there is lots of steamy moisture streaming across the state by the days! Hopefully we will soon get a bit of that fall weather our way. Like you, Fall is my favorite season and I love the changes it brings. Speaking of Fall, are your apples getting ready to harvest????? Mmmmmm, fresh apples for pies! Or caramel apples!!

  3. Wonderful outfit! The cameo is wonderful, they are my 'weakness'. :) Your hair looks wonderful that way! Would you believe that I have done that same style most of last week!? Great minds think alike! :)
    As you read already from my post yesterday, our sermon was about the wonderful blessing we receive and how our witnessing can help further the Kingdom.
    Jean jackets are my favorite go-to fall piece!

  4. I think aside from the cameo, the skirt is my definite favorite! I so love soft country rose prints...

  5. You look absolutely adorable, dear. I love this outfit on you.
    And that verse was such a beautiful reminder. Thanks you, thank you.

  6. That's such a cute outfit. :D

    Hehe, sometimes our priest.... rambles... in his sermons. He's a dear little priest, and he's a sweetheart, but sometimes his sermons get looong, and I'm just sitting there trying very hard to pay attention while my mind is like, "Palm trees! Doctor Who! Psych!" lol. :D

  7. Lovely outfit! That skirt is beautiful!

    decked out in ruffles


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