
September 1, 2013

Why Don't We Just Dance

At last.  We have had a dance.  At our house.  With our most favorite people.  
It was brilliant.

Stringing lights, blowing balloons, setting out refreshments, hooking up the speaker, laying out the trophies and ribbons...and smiling.  Lots and lots of that going on. *smile*

And then, our friends began arriving.

"Choose your partners!"

Kellie came up with 4 dance competition categories -  Freestyle, Most Noise, Best Swing, and *drum roll* the Epic Award.  Really.  And the fantastic Brett was our amazing judge.  Seriously, this guy took notes.  He can be the judge any day.  Also Seth, you did a great job calling the dances - thanks guys for making the evening better!

We are so doing this again.

Our dance competition winners were as follows...
Most Noise - David // Best Swing - Clara // Epic - Tilda // Freestyle - John
Congrats ladies and gents!

And to top it all off, a video montage of the evening, put together by Kellie.  Enjoy!

Happy Trails y'all!

p.s. Thanks to Kellie, Ellen, Alex and "Algy" for the beautiful photos and video!


  1. Oh my goodness that looks like way too much fun! Oh I wish I could have been there! dancing all night, how fun! I loved all the lights and decorations too! Loved the video so much!!!


  2. Ohhh looks like so much fun. Loved the video, too.

  3. Hehe - "choose your partners..." had me giggling out loud, especially considering Brett's face and general attitude. Lol!

    Also, the fact that there are precisely two ladies represented in the photo (counting me) and ELEVEN gentlemen. Oh my.

    Love it.

  4. I am SO coming to visit you guys just as soon as my brother finishes inventing a teleporter.

  5. That looks like so much much fun! Oh my goodness! And the pictures were just awesome. :)

  6. That was epic :). Brett's shocked expression was awesome :). So looking forward to the next one!

  7. Love this!! My family does dances, too, but I'm not sure our people are ready for any of those competitions. But then, you gotta try it to know, right? ;) Looks like so much fun!!

    And I have to mention...I love the prominent display of your darling gray cat in the photos. Any pictures with cats and I'm all there. :)

  8. This was indeed an epic evening! It all looked like so much fun under the late summer skies! What an event!
    Looks like you should absolutely have a repeat in the future! Love that video!

  9. Belle - I wish you and Ally could have been there, too! It would have really been way too much fun then!! :D

    Leah - Glad you liked the video! :)

    Kellie - *grin* I was actually referring the photo under that caption;)

    ladyofrohan - Sounds fantastic to me!! =D

    Amy - Lots and lots of fun! Glad you enjoyed the photos:)

    Michelle - I wish we had a picture of Brett's face when we told him it was actually a dance and not game night;D Priceless.

    Kellie - I'm sure your people would have fit right in. Definitely a lot of fun!
    Aww, Mitts is such a sweet kitty. I'm surprised he stuck around, we were making so much noise. :)

  10. Yee-haw! Looks like you-all had a swingin' good time (as usual)! ;-)

    Yes, do have another one! And if you're short on dancers, Bro and I would love to be invited. :-D

    God bless,

  11. Tom - We certainly did!:)
    Absolutely!! You and Peter are both invited for next time:D

  12. I'm a tad behind in my blog reading, so I'm just finally read this post, and I have to say that looks like so. much. fun. Seriously though, you folks in Idaho sure know how to have a fun time!

  13. Sereina - That's a wonderful compliment to us Idahoans! I have to agree with you:)


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