
September 30, 2013

I'm waiting on you, Lord.

For all of us who are waiting as the Lord works in our lives, whether it's for Him to bring that special someone into your life, or for that special someone to stop dragging their feet and speak.  Or maybe, you're waiting for something entirely different.  Whatever you're waiting for, don't give up.
He is able, and He's got this.
And don't stop moving forward while you wait.

P.S. all pics via my Pinterest, collages made by me


  1. Thank you for this...these kinds of wee posts are always a good reminder that God's plans are better than our dreams :)

  2. I've been waiting for so much lately. All year my life has been on stand-by, and it gets tough and painful and frustrating... but it says in Isaiah 30:18 that He ALSO waits, right along with us, so He may be gracious to us. That verse is my lifeline these days.

    And whoaaaa. That song keeps popping up everywhere. I just discovered it recently and it's been the cry of my heart.

    Keep fighting the fight, girly. :)

  3. I needed to see this today. Isn't that amazing, how God works through everything... even our blogs? :) Thank you for the encouragement!

  4. My Mom used to tell me that God helps those who help themselves. She would say, we have to act and we have to take risks. Our relationship is a living and moving one and we are always called to act and serve. Most of the time, it is by working through our daily challenges and reaching beyond our comfort levels that we then discover the blessings that have been there under our noses all the time. I agree with you by saying that while we wait, we must move forward. We have to act. We have to get out and do what we were meant to do. By doing that, we will see God's plan in real time. One of my inspirations has been Mother Teresa. She spent much time in prayer, but she also spent most of her days in service to the poor and sick. It was through her actions that she was able to feel the blessings. It was through her actions that she said she saw the face of Christ in those she was honored to serve.

    While we cannot direct the future, we can do good things now in the present. When we reach out in good faith, the world reaches back in ways we never imagined for ourselves. So to this lovely collage of love and faith, I would add the call of action to serve God by actions that make the world a better place. It is the call I keep hoping for, the way I keep working towards, the work still ahead that calls me by name each day.

  5. well then. this came at precisely the right time, and it is so utterly true...and i needed it. so thank you.

  6. Thank you for such a wonderful post...I need to hear this often, especially after feeling impatient/discouraged following those "why aren't you dating or married yet?" conversations that I seem to be having so often of late.

    decked out in ruffles

  7. Hey Natasha :) :) :)

    those quotes are really beautiful. Just.... wow. They're amazing

  8. Hi Natasha! We have awarded you the Sunshine Blogger Award! Hope to hear from you soon!
    ~Cassie and Rebekah

  9. hey, you...

    know i haven't been around a lot lately, but think about you all the time, and this was just what i needed! love ya!

  10. I'm so happy that this post was a blessing to so many of you! The Lord's timing is perfect:)

    Maribeth - Yes, indeed. He has a plan for each of us.

    Anna - Thank you for sharing that verse! It constantly amazes me, how much the Father loves us.
    I love that song so much. It says so perfect what is in my heart.
    And you keep fighting the fight too, girl! :)

    Elizabeth Anne - You're so welcome. I'm so glad that the Lord gave me this to share with my readers. I'm so thankful for my dear, dear bloggy friends who constantly encourage me!

    Winnie - Very true, we need to be ready and willing to do our part, and step out on faith.

    Kyla Denae - I'm so glad that this was an encouragement to you! Praise the Lord!!

    Vicki - It's hard when people ask you those questions, especially when you start wondering that yourself. I'm so happy that you found this encouraging. :)

    Bella Rose - Hey there, girl:) They are amazing. Pinterest may be addictive, but the beautiful words of encouragement that I find there make it worthwhile.

    Cassie and Rebekah - Aww, thanks! I'll have to check it out:)

    Ally - Hey! I've missed you!! You've been in my thoughts, as well. Love ya back:)


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!