
July 14, 2013

Sunday Style // Green is not your Enemy

o u t f i t
green dress // eShakti
cream tank top // thrifted
pink sandals // stolen borrowed from my mom

Introducing my second eShakti dress.  Once again, I LOVE it!  And once again, from their overstock section...because I'm cheap and don't part with my money easily.  Which is probably a good thing...anyway. Aside from not having the custom options available when you shop overstock - thus the layered tank top to raise the neckline a bit - so far it's been completely fantastic!  The construction and details on this dress are fabulous, and it's definitely the perfect shade of green for me.  I love pairing it with the pink sandals...even though they pinch a bit.  Suffering is easier when you love your outfit. *grin*

There's still time to use my eShakti referral code!  It expires tomorrow!
BONNN201 gets you $40 off on your first purchase!

: :

Today was a beautiful Sunday!  We continued in our study of the life of Abraham in the book of Genesis, focusing on walking by faith.  It was a message I personally really needed to hear.  Definitely some convicting going on.  The fellowship after church was so wonderful, so precious.  I am so, so blessed.  So thankful that the Lord led us to this church family.

This week is about to explode.  VBS starts tomorrow (hooray!), the cherries are ripe and ready to be picked, we're getting a load of hay, my bro is heading out for a week long trip, the thistles are starting to get out of hand in the sheep pasture (why must there always be weeds?!), I have several sewing orders to work on, there are ripe berries everywhere (raspberries, service berries, huckleberries, thimbleberries, you name it!), and I really just want to ride my horse.  And if it sounds like I'm complaining, nope.  I'm actually starting to enjoy all of this summer busyness..although lazy summer days with a book are grand, too. *grin*

Happy Trails, y'all!

Question: Do you have "wild" berries that are unique to your area?  Like, Idaho has huckleberry everything. So, do you?  I want to know!


  1. Tasha, you look lovely in that new dress with it's shade of pastel green! I especially love the flowers along the neckline. Just adds the perfect summer detail without over doing it!

    All those berries and cherries sound like heaven to me! Florida has beautiful wild blackberries but the rest are cultivated, I think. No doubt there are some obscure berries out in the swamps that wildlife eat, but they are not mainstream for humans. We do cultivate and grow great strawberries and blueberries. But of course our oranges and other citrus are the Florida hallmarks=D!

    P.S. Save me some cherries for next week! Maybe we can all make scones together! Whoop!

  2. ...but those daisies in the bottom frame are;D
    You look so adorable! That dress is absolutely your color. Love.

  3. Very cute dress!!! Love it! And yes, it is the perfect shade for you!


  4. Adorable!!! Have a good week! <3

  5. Oh my goodness, that dress is adorable and you look soooo cute in it! It looks perfect on you! Green is one of my favorite colors and that shade is so beautiful.

  6. That dress is so lovely. I think I need to head over to eShakti and browse through their stuff. :D


  7. Thank you, ladies! You always brighten my day:)


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