
July 4, 2013

Star Spangled // July 4th

o u t f i t
Captain America t-shirt // Amazon
navy blue gingham skirt // made by me
shoes // Fred Meyer
 : :

Happy Independence Day! I'm looking forward to fun filled evening of fellowship, yummy food, music, and dancing at Kellie's.  And once we get back home, a hike up the mountain behind our house to watch the Silverwood theme park fireworks show.  Tradition!

So, these pictures were actually taken in April, but I never got around to sharing them.  I'm wearing this outfit today, for obvious reasons. *smile*
I love wearing my Captain America shirt.  It's so much fun pairing it with different prints and colors, and I think it looks fantastic with the gingham!  I'd love to pair it with a larger gingham print at some point.  I think it would look super cute.
I ordered a Juniors size, and I love the more fitted look.  The crew neck felt a bit too tight to me, and I've altered the neckline slightly since these pictures were taken.  Very slightly - all I did was trim the collar part off, but left a seam.  Now it looks much more finished and less t-shirty, if you know what I mean.  I'll share pics at some point...maybe. *wink*
Happy Trails y'all!

: :

Question: what are some of your 4th of July family traditions?  I want to know!

p.s. don't forget the Independence Day Sale at Wool & What-not...


  1. I love your long hair, your Captain America shirt, annnnd the truck. :)

  2. What a perfect outfit for today! Hm, my family's traditions include cooking lots of yummy food, eating said food, and either sitting in our driveway or hiking the mountain near our house to watch fire works. I hope you have a great fourth! :)

  3. Well, obviously, we do not celebrate the 4th of July here... but I did experience a 4th of July celebration while in the USA, and I must say my favourite part was probably simply the fact that my host family met up with a number of relatives and friends and had lots of fun. :-) And then fireworks over a beach at the night, with the ocean lapping against the sand - a few days later, because there was a strong wind on the 4th of July, which I think actually made it more special.

    I like your Captain America T-shirt very much, too... as you know, he's probably my favourite character from the films (it's a bit of a pity for a Czech person that he's so obviously American :D). And that T-shirt has such a nice background colour. Plus that skirt has a very nice shape.

  4. Love that cute combo of colors and design for July 4th! It sounds like agenda for celebration was perfect in every way!

    Oh Beautiful for Spacious Skies, for Amber waves of grain....."

  5. Natasha! I just found your blog! Its been a very long time! How are you doing? Its amazing to see how the Lord is working in your life! Please email me,

    God bless you and your family!

  6. Anna Olivia - Aww thanks, girly. I love my long hair, my Captain America shirt, and that truck, too. ;)

    Lauren - Hiking up a mountain to watch fireworks is the best, not matter where you live:) I had a fantastic 4th!

    Hana-Marmota - That's right, sometimes I forget that the 4th is an American holiday. ;) How fun that you got to experience the festivities on your visit, though!
    Hehe;D No matter what country he represents, Captain America is a great guy.

    Winnie - It was perfect in every way! Way too much fun!!

    Ashlynn - I am so, so glad that the Lord led you to my blog!! It has been way too long! I'm doing great. The Lord has been growing me and stretching me a lot the past few years, and it's exciting to see what will happen next. I sent you an email, so we can talk more there:) Love and blessings. <3


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