
April 14, 2013

Mauve Lace

While I'm not a fashion blogger by any stretch of the imagination, I think it's fun to share an outfit every once in a while.  I know I find it inspiring to see what my bloggy friends are wearing, and I'm guessing you do to. *smile*  So, here's what I wore to church today...

| o u t f i t |
jean jacket {thrifted}
embellished stretch lace blouse {thrifted}
denim skirt {Chadwicks}
black flats {Fred Meyer}

This is the first time I wore this blouse, and I absolutely love it!  Very comfortable and feminine, I can dress it up or down, and I love the color.  I decided to go a bit more casual today by wearing a denim skirt and jean jacket.  Thanks for telling me I needed to buy that blouse, Kellie dear!  You were right, as always. :)

I hope you all had a blessed Sunday!  Today's sermon at church was titled "The Ministry of Public Worship".  We read from 1 Corinthians 14, where Paul is talking about speaking in tongues.  The focus was on what is edifying for the worshiper and what is edifying to the entire body.  It was really good!  I love our church so much.  There's so much emphasis on loving one another, and that's very rare these days.
During the sermon I entertained my favorite little girls, Annie and Ruth, by making flowers, hearts, and butterflies out of pipe-cleaners.  My status as Master Pipe-Cleaner Artist Extraordinaire is secure thus far. ;)

Happy Trails, y'all!

Still no new lambs.  I'm trying to shake the feeling that my ewes are doing this to irritate me on purpose. ;)


  1. The top looks so good on you, dear! And I'm really loving the new skirt. Perfection.

  2. Haha--this is like the third jean jacket I've seen on the Blogosphere tonight--great minds and all that. ;-)

    Cute blouse, m'dear! Pinky-purples like you, I see. :-)It looks really nice with your denims, but I can totally see it with a more formal skirt--or even a tiered one--too!

    QUOTE: "...I'm trying to shake the feeling that my ewes are doing this to irritate me on purpose."

    ...or perhaps the lambkins just like it inside their mothers too much? :-P Hopefully soon they'll realize there's a whole big world to explore! (To say nothing of several bloggers who are waiting with bated breath to see them in all their cuteness, wot?)

    God bless,

  3. Cute outfit for a spring day in Idaho! I love that pretty blouse and agree that the color is becoming on you! It is amazing what you can find sometimes at a thrift store. I never have any luck but those that do get amazing treasures. Hahahha, Master Pipe Cleaner Extraordinaire!! You make me laugh because some skills are always necessary through the decades for keeping little ones quiet during church!

  4. I love that top! The color and texture and neckline embellishment and everything looks just about perfect. So pretty. And pipe-cleaners in church... that is an absolutely brilliant idea! I'll have to pick some up for next Sunday. :D

  5. I totally LOVE that shirt! *Eyes it jealously* That whole outfit is super cute. :)

  6. So cute! The blouse is my favorite, the color is very pretty!

  7. the detail and color of your top is so cute!

    lindsey louise

  8. Ally! I haven't talked to you in a looooong time! How's everything been going? We'll have to get a chat going on Pinterest sometime soon:)

    Kellie - Isn't that the perfect denim skirt?! LOVE it!! It's stretch denim, so it's super comfy.

    Tom - lol! I saw two other jean jackets after I published this post, too. Probably the same ones;)
    Yes, I think I need more of this color in my wardrobe. I'll definitely be styling this more formal next time!

    Winnie - I do love thrifting. It's quite amazing what you can find for such reasonable prices!
    Yes, indeed - keep little ones quiet during church is timeless. ;)

    Tayler - It really is the perfect top:)
    Pipe cleaners in church are totally brilliant! You should definitely get some.

    Amy - It's a really nice skirt, and a very, very reasonable price! Highly recommended:)

    Olivia - This skirt is awesome. Pretty much the perfect denim skirt...except, no pockets. Otherwise, it's perfect:)

    Sereina - I love the color, too!

    Lindsey - Welcome! I'm so glad you stopped by and said hello! :)

    Bella - Thanks ever so much for the tag! Now that my sheepies are done lambing, I might have time to do it, I hope! :)

    Grace - Thank you, dear! Good to "see" you! :D


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!