
April 9, 2013

Big Baby

Yesterday around 5 o'clock, I felt like I needed to go check on my sheep.  So I walked down there and found this cutie waiting for me...

Yes!  The first of my lambs has arrived!  Sweet Pea had one, big, single ewe lamb this year.  She had triplets last year, and I was hoping for twins this year, but I'm not complaining.  A healthy girl is always welcome!

Judging from how well she was getting around and how dry she was, I'm guessing she was born around 4 o'clock.  Apparently everything went smoothly, which is always a blessing!

I've named her Katniss. *smile*

Here she is today, exploring outside of the lambing pen for the first time...

You can see how big she is!  Isn't she lovely?

Now I'm just waiting for these ladies to lamb...

I could be wrong, but I think Emma (the white faced one) is going to have her's this evening.  She looks like she's getting really close.  But, I could be wrong.  Just have to wait and see. *smile*

Happy Trails, y'all!


  1. Ahhh--she's darling! What a sweetie--I love her gray wee face. And Katniss is a lovely name indeed.(:

    Decked Out in Ruffles

  2. She's adorable! The only animals we have are a dog and a flock of chickens, but I've always loved sheep (especially babies). They're just so stinkin' cute! Oh, and I think that her name is awesome. :D

  3. Congratulations on your first lamb of the season! What a sweetie.
    (Mom and I were just saying today that your lambs should be arriving soon--funny!)

    Here's hoping the other mama-sheep will be delivered soon--they look ready to pop, poor things! ;-)

    God bless,

  4. Oh so adorable! Can't wait to see her in person:)

  5. Ohh, the adorable lambs are coming!! This first one is too cute! I love those furry faces and bright eyes. Hopefully all of the other girls will birth without any complications. Can't wait to see all of the babies together!!

  6. Wow! That is a big baby. She is adorable. I've always liked sheep. They are one of the few verieties of animals we actually haven't had.


  7. Oh, what a cutie!! I haven't come in contact with sheepies much in my life (most of my exposure to sheep was through the old Disney "So Dear to My Heart," if truth be told...), but little Katniss is very sweet!! Kinda makes me want to go hug a sheep or something. :)

  8. Awww.
    Have you by any chance read Children of Bullerbyn by Astrid Lindgren? Is that even widely read in English or is that just a European thing? Anyway, it's one of those books I grew up reading all the time. The narrator takes care of a baby lamb she names Pontus... and I was reminded of Pontus by your photos.

  9. Ahhh...the Cuteness is strong with Little Miss Katniss ;) I read this post with a big smile on my face. I love love love the name. I also noticed right off how she's way more fluffy than my little goat-babies. What a blessing that she and her mother were able to take care of the whole delivery process before you ever got out there!

    When I told my mom about Katniss, she said that all the farmgirl bloggers are probably leading crazy lives right now, haha! Anyway, congratulations to both you and Sweet Pea. May the odds be ever in Katniss' favor (*wink*).

  10. Yippee, one down! She is REALLY cute! I agree with you, it is always very nice when animals give birth on their own, and everything goes ok. :)


  11. Thank you all for your congratulations and lovely comments! I'm so glad you all love the name I chose:)

    Hana-Marmota - I haven't read that book, but it definitely sounds like something I should! I love books with sheep/lambs in them:)

    Maribeth - Your comment made me smile:)


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