
March 10, 2013

New in the Shop | Vintage Miscellany & Gift Cards

There we were, driving to church, enjoying the beautiful early spring weather, when a horrible thought struck me - it was daylight savings day, and we were late.  Very late.

Yes...42 minutes late, to be precise.  Since we were already well on our way to town, we decided to just go to church anyway.  No reason to miss out on the good fellowship afterwards, right?  
I'll admit to calling down a few "curses" on Ben Franklin as we drove along.  Some classics like, "May he grow like an onion with his head in the ground!"  And a few Tasha originals like, "May the sole of his left foot itch for one thousand years!"  Okay, so it wasn't actually implemented during Franklin's lifetime, but he did propose a similar suggestion to DST in the 1700s and I blame him.  Ahem, yes.  
It made for a very odd, disjointed day I can tell you that!

: :

However, the purpose of this post is to share what's been going on in my shop recently not to bash Ben, as fun as that is.  This past week I've been busily editing and listing vintage hats, gloves, and handkerchiefs!  A small sampling below...

Yes, I've been a busy little bee this month and as a result Wool & What-not now accepts Etsy Gift Cards! *confetti*  And not only that, she's turning two on the 19th! *more confetti*  Keep your eyes open for an anniversary sale {and maybe a giveaway, too??) next week and new spring items later this month!! *still more confetti*

: :

Have a lovely week, y'all! :)


  1. Your new vintage additions to the shop are lovely and just in time for people to update a spring outfit! Wow, a Two year anniversary is terrific! Congratulations on getting your idea into a concrete plan and up and going for two years now. I am excited to see what March brings in new items and events!

  2. Man, I wish you were around to help my "curses" when I need it. Mine are never that original. My dad's favorite is "may the fleas of a thousand camels fly up his grandmother's armpit" but I've never heard anything *that* original before. You must publish a book of them. ;)

  3. Haha... that is a smasher and no mistake. It makes me shudder every time I hear it;D

    I love the shop additions! So pretty! And really excited that you have direct checkout now. DC is awesome.

  4. Ack, don't get me started on Time Tampering! >:-( It's one of the few things I hate about Spring and Summer. Someone said a while back that Idaho was trying to get rid of DST. That would be wonderful, not to have to play with the clocks. /RANT

    Oh my GOSH, Alexandra! That's one killer curse.
    Here's one a friend of my brother's invented: "May your hair turn green and fall out!" Hee.

    Lovely new additions, Tasha! May God bring lots of people to buy them from you in the coming weeks!

    God bless,

  5. Winnie - Thank you! I've certainly enjoyed the experience:)

    Ally - Hehe. Don't know about a book, but if you ever need a good "curse" let me know. I'd be happy to come up with one for you;D
    Oh my word! What a terrible curse! I like it! ;)

    Kellie - lol. There is something terrifying about your foot itching for a thousand years, isn't there? ;)

    Tom - Now that would be nice! Although, I'm admittedly very happy to have it staying light later in the day. :)
    Eww, what a great/gross curse! ;)
    Thank you! :)

  6. Eh. Our time changes on Easter Sunday. VERY enjoyable!
    Those vintage things are lovely!


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