
February 14, 2013

All the Single Ladies Blog Party | Dreams

Meghan asked, "Any idea what your dream wedding is?"

Yes, as a matter of fact, I do have quite few ideas for my dream wedding.  My Pinterest is proof of that. ;)
You can click on the link to see my entire wedding board, but here's the general idea in three words...

outdoor, vintage, country

The 50s are my favorite era fashion and style wise.

Love the round bale photo!

Engagement photos strung from twine.

An old barn would be so lovely.

Love this idea of praying together before the wedding without spoiling the wedding dress surprise.

I really love both of these wedding dress styles - simple, yet elegant.  And very 50s.

And yes, my wedding dress will have pockets...;)


There will definitely be a dance at the reception.

And there you have it!  My 50s style country wedding. :)

Meghan also asked, "What is one thing you cannot wait to do once you're married & in a home of your own?"
DECORATE!!!  Seriously, I'm going to have so much fun having a whole house to decorate.  It will be fun combining each of our ideas and styles into one home.   That, and I can't wait to be in complete control of the laundry room.  Odd as it may sound, having someone else messing around in the laundry room drives me up the wall.  I think it's because my laundry "schedule" gets messed up.  Not that I'm a terribly organized person, but there I some areas I am extremely picky about.  So yes, decorating and laundry room control.  Totally looking forward to that! :)
Meghan further said, "If you have a hopechest, I'd love to hear about its contents & meaning, as well!"

While I don't have an actual hope chest yet, I do have three somewhat large plastic storage drawers full of things for my future home.  Books I read as a child (plus the ones on my bookshelves), crocheted items (of course;), several dish sets, miscellaneous kitchen items, items which are special to me, stuff like that.  I'm currently collecting mismatched retro/vintage style dishes.  I love the eclectic look.  
Something else I have in there, is something a friend put together for me.  It's a beautiful scrapbook photo album, intended to chronicle the first year(s) of marriage.  She put so much effort and thought into it, and it means so much to me.  I'm looking forward to the day when I can begin filling it with pictures and journaling.
And that's all I've got for today.  Hope you enjoyed reading my ramblings. :)
Have a lovely, blessed Valentines Day!


  1. Pockets! I just recently rewatched The Runaway Bride, and there's a) the background for this resolution, b) the canon statement that the Doctor's pockets are bigger on the inside, which I love. That could come in useful for a bride, too (you know, stuff a big handkerchief there without anyone noticing, or some such), but, alas, that is truly only a dream...

    Those dresses are so very beautiful. It's a very similar style, actually, isn't it?

    Mutual weirdness forever probably wins, though. :D

  2. I love your wedding dreams in photos!! That 50s dress is adorable too. My wish for you on this Valentine's Day is that your dreams come true!. I know this much, whoever you marry will be one lucky guy!

  3. A country wedding would be lovely. I wouldn't want a 'big' wedding...low-key is so much nicer I think. :)
    I love those wedding dresses. So cute.

  4. Your dream wedding sounds lovely! And how could anyone not be in love with that gorgeous 50's silhouette?! I've always wanted an outdoor wedding too (if I ever get married...). They're just so pretty, and somehow the idea of having it all take place outside makes it sound much less intimidating to my strongly introverted and socially awkward self. :-)

  5. Hana-Marmota - Oh yes, the Doctor's pockets are bigger on the inside! Timelord technology and all that;)
    Yes, those two dressed are a similar style.
    Mutual weirdness is awesome;D

    Winnie - Thank you! You're too kind:)

    Amy - No big weddings here, either. I've never enjoyed a huge crowd.

    Tayler - YES! That's it exactly! A church wedding sounds so intimidating, but outside I could breath.


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