
December 13, 2012

Outfit | Winter Orchard

It's a beautiful wintry day here with fluffy clouds floating through the sky - the snow dusted trees looks so lovely against the blue sky.

The lovely Grace asked me to do a guest post for her Old-Fashioned Homemade Christmas event, so I did.
I shared both my Ruffle Scarf and Bow Belt tutorials.  Check them out here!  And you'll definitely want to look around and see what other Christmas inspiration and goodies are in Grace's Garden Walk.

Along those same lines, I concocted a rather lovely crocheted creation this morning.  It turned out so beautiful, that I immediately decided to list it for sale in my shop...

original pattern found here {but i tweaked it a bit - can't leave well enough alone, I guess}

I've been wearing this all day long, around the house, to town.  It is so comfy and keeps my ears nice and toasty when I'm outside!  I love that it looks a bit like a hat, especially if you're wearing your hair up.  It's hard to find winter hats that work with long hair.

| o u t f i t |
knotted headband - made by me, available from Wool & What-not
scarf - gifted {Belk}
purple cable knit sweater - Kohls {Croft & Barrow}
purple t-shirt - Fred Meyer
denim skirt - made by me
boots - no idea

Happy Trails y'all and Merry Christmas!


  1. What's the pattern for your skirt? I LOVE that style. Also.... I really am most ridiculously fond of your sweater/shirt. Purple is a really good color on you, FYI. ;) So pretty. *Grin*

  2. Love your outfit! The headband is adorable. I like the plaid scarf as well. :)

    I've been wanting to make a denim skirt for a while, since I don't have one. I've already bought the pattern like five or six months ago (Marie Madeline Studio - Route 66) and fabric, but I need to buy an invisible zipper foot so I can finally make it. Every time I see you or Kellie in a denim skirt, I remember that I need to make mine! :P

  3. Love your new hat creation! It is so cute with your sweater and scarf outfit. The snowy landscape is so perfect for the holiday season right now.

  4. Such a cute outfit!!! Love the headband and will definitely need to get one of my own. :D Also, just saying, but you look a lot like Anne Hathaway. :D (Thats a compliment!) ;)

  5. Treskie - I used Simplicity 5351. I really love it and I'm definitely planning on using it again.
    Thanks! I love purple;)

    Sereina - Thank you! Plaid is wonderful:)
    I have that pattern, too, but have yet to use it. Love the look though!
    Kellie and I love our denim skirts, that's for sure;)

    Winnie - Thank you! Loving our snow so much:)

    Summer - Oh my goodness! That is definitely a compliment!! You're so sweet to say that. Thank you:)

  6. So pretty! I love the new knotted headband... too cute.
    And Treskie and Summer are right on - you look absolutely gorgeous with that shade of purple, you knockout starlet you!
    That last photo is so wonderful... I've been staring at it for several minutes now. So much scope for the imagination. <3

  7. Ooooh, that headband does look nice and cozy. Nice for when you want to keep your hears warm without ruining your hair, too.
    Those are such pretty pictures. The colors are awesome. I especially loved the last one. :D

  8. Hi Natasha:

    I was so hoping you'd choose that photo for your header. It is one beautiful photo, balanced chromatically and with the focus on you!



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