
December 8, 2012

Lately, life...

If they were giving out prizes for the best screen scream, Janet Munro as Roberta in The Swiss Family Robinson would get my vote.  A very close second would be Faye Wray in the original King Kong.


My life continues to be full of wonderful busy-ness this month.  Good times with friends and family, decorating for Christmas, wishing for snow (finally got some again!), shipping Etsy orders, sipping hot cocoa, and crocheting while watching The Bishop's Wife, Christmas in Connecticut, and White Christmas (among other Christmas favorites - we haven't watched my very favorite yet, It's a Wonderful Life).

Life also includes looking for my first "real" job.  I've never worked outside the home, and after much thought and prayer I've decided it would be beneficial for me to have the experience of "going to work" under my belt.  Right now, at the suggestion of a friend, I'm looking into working at a florist shop.  Doesn't that sound perfectly delightful?!  It's so me, too.  I love designing things and I love flowers.  So, last Monday I drove downtown, took a deep breath, strolled into a shop and asked for a job.  They don't have any openings right now, but they did give me an application to fill out and return.  I'll admit to being ridiculously proud of myself for being so brave.  That sounds rather pathetic, but it was a big deal for little, formerly homeschooled, shy me.  And do you know what?  It felt good.  Being stretched beyond your comfort is a good thing sometimes.


Enough talk though - here are a few pictures from our last Game Night, thanks to Kellie and Algy.

This was during our "snack time" when we sang Happy Birthday to Mandy and Matthew.  Alex found this frankly awesome Incredible Hulk children's board book at the used bookstore.  He thought it would be the perfect gift for Matthew.  And it was.  Especially when Alex started reading it aloud to him.
"Ooh, see who's peaking through the window, Matthew?  It's Captain America!"
My brother is awesome.

Kellie has this knack of taking candid pictures right as I'm "chewing" in my lip.  I've got to break that habit...;)
We had a marvelous evening playing Pictionary, a new game called George, and Balderdash. 
The Lord has blessed me with so many wonderful friends.  Each and every one of them are so special.

Happy Trails, folks!

Question: What are some of your favorite games to play with your family or friends?  Do you prefer board games or action games?  I want to know!


  1. I love playing Clue, but can't get my family to play any board games anymore. Maybe I will have to break it out and harass my family.
    I also like Scrabble. They are more willing to play that with me.

    A florist. My aunt used to be a florist. She loved it so much that she opened her own shop, till she got burned out that is. I guess it's much better to work for the shop, than own the shop ; )

  2. Ha! I just love these pictures... good times!
    So excited for you about the florist shop opp, and yes, Janet Munro is second only to Ellen for the best all time scream. Which is pretty up there. ;D

  3. Good luck with the job!

    My family loves to play Settlers of Catan together. We get insanely competitive, and sometimes we have to be reminded to be nice(;

    xx Riley

  4. This looks like a great evening with friends! Nothing like a birthday to celebrate that creates the best and most creative fun!

    I think you would enjoy having a real job! There is something about a steady paycheck that feels empowering because it allows you to plan to do things you can only dream about now like travel or owning your own car or moving into your own apartment. I say, go online, look at resume templates and put one together. Then, apply for more job opportunities. There are lots of entry points into the work world so let employers know you are out there by submitting your application!You are the type of person that employers are looking for so let them know you are looking too! Good Luck!

  5. Best wishes on finding a job, dearie! Home-based business is great in that you can be there for your family if they need you, but one can't deny that regular income is a handy thing to have in this day and age. Prayers!

    Favorite games....
    Apples to Apples is hilarious, but it's definitely one you need more than three people to play. Passwords (and its modern cousin, Catch Phrase) is fun, too. Our family also like Uno, Rack-o, Life, Mexican Train and Chicken Foot. We tend to play more board games than cards, but there are lots of fun card games I'd like us to learn someday, too.
    ...and one of these times, we are GOING to come to your Game Night! ;-)

    God bless,

  6. Okay, I love family game nights. You looked like you had a wonderful evening. Games MY famiy play;

    LOTR trivial pursuit. (actually we haven't played this in *ages* I want to try it again) Clue, bolderdash and bananagrams. I think we have the most fun with LOTR and bananagrams. We get very loud and ridiculous by about 10:00 at night. It is so much FUN!

    I love Doctor Eleven now. He is no Ten or Nine (Come on who could really beat NINE?) But he is a very good, sweet and brilliant Doctor. Plus I love Rory. I watched "Hungry earth/Cold blood" and I cried. First Amy was lost and the Doctor looked SO distraught. Then the crack took Rory. OK I know he comes back. but still... TEARS EVERYWHERE! I was like "Do not forget Amy, please don't please please... YOU FORGOT! NO!!" And the Doctors face--Poor guy. He tried :'(

    God Bless

  7. Love the pictures! Ever since hearing about your epic game nights I've been trying to convince my family to do one...we have such a large extended family that a huge night of games would be pretty awesome.
    Hehe, that book seems like a gift I would get one of my friends...I love gifts like that!

    God's blessings on your job opportunity! Working at a florist shop sounds like such fun.(:


  8. Kimberly - Oh, Clue is a fun game! We used to play that one a lot, too, but not so much recently.

    I think I'll stick to just working in a shop...if a get the job, that is. ;)

    Kellie - I'm so glad you thought to take pictures, dear!
    lol. This is true. ;D

    Riley - Thank you! :)
    You know, I've heard of that game, but never played it. Haha, yeah, we get a bit competitive around here, too. ;)

    Winnie - Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely be doing that:)

    Tom - Thank you, dear:)
    Oh yes, we love Mexican Train here, too. My mom and I play a lot of card games.
    Yes, you are. Soon!! =)

    Bella - Those are some great games!
    I know, I know!! I cried buckets when Rory "died". He's so awesome!!

  9. I know that this comment is a few days late, but the subject of games is just too fun to pass up. :-)

    Some of the favorites around our house are Ticket to Ride, 10 Days in Europe (or Asia), Monopoly Deal (much shorter than the traditional game!), Sequence, Quirkle, Balderdash and Apples to Apples.

    We (the siblings and I), just purchased several new games that we're really excited about. Some of them we've already played at friend's houses (like Settlers of Catan and Colosseum... so fun!), but Dominion, Scotland Yard and Agricola are all new to us and will hopefully be added to our regular rotation. Apparently we lean more toward board games rather than "social" ones. :-)

    Good luck with your job search! I've always thought that working at a florist shop would be loads of fun. :-) I actually get to work in a small local greenhouse every year during the spring and early summer. It's just the owner and myself working there, so I get to plant up quite a few hanging baskets and custom flower pot orders. It's such a great feeling to get to work with plants again after a long and snowy winter!



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