
November 14, 2012

Wallpaper Wednesday | Merlin

Well hello there, everyone!   I'm feeling very bubbly and joyful this morning...which is unusual for me, at least before noon.  *grin*  Definitely extremely excited about my Grandma's visit - she's going to be here in 3 days!!!!  That's my excuse for excessive use of this "!" during the next week.

Anyway, time for Wallpaper Wednesday!   I'd really like this to be a weekly deal, but the thing is you can't force creativity.  Either it happens or it doesn't.  This past week though, after finding all of those lovely high-res images for Merlin, my creativity has been rushing along like an out-of-control truck...or something like that.  Hours spent in my room, hunched over Della (my laptop), watching Ivanhoe (BBC), guzzling copious amounts of tea and hot ain't always pretty, but it works for me.

The results thus far, are these...

- All pictures link to their full size image and are also available on the For You page. -

To say I love the way these two wallpapers turned out, is a gross understatement.   I LOVE the way these turned out!!  That's a bit better.   I also have one for Gwen and one for Morgana in the works, but they aren't quite ready to share yet.  Maybe next week...we shall see. ;)

Happy Trails, y'all!


  1. Ohhh, I love both of these so much! You did an amazing job on them! I guess it's time for me to change my wallpaper again...(;


  2. oooooooo you did so well :) I love Arthur and Merlin and their relationship in S.5 is getting stronger by the episode.

    Which season is your favorite so far? 1 and 5 are mind **Grin** The TRUE name for Merlin fans is "Merkin" hmph. I like Merlinite better. S4 is good also. You have a lot to look forward to.

    Morgana is so much better overall in S5. ** Spoiler ** She is really creepy and super evil. A much better villain :D I love hating her....

    I look forward to more Merlin posts!! LALALALA

    God Bless

  3. Your wallpapers are so creative as always! How do you figure this all out? amazing! Enjoy your Grandmother's visit over the Thanksgiving holiday week! It is always special to have a special Grandma or Aunt/Uncle at big family occasions!!

  4. Ooo! I like these wallpapers! I've only seen a few of the Merlin episodes but I thought they were fun. I think I shall have to watch more. :)
    I really liked the way you did the Arthur one. It looks very cool.

  5. Thank you all! :)

    Vicki - *smile*

    Bella - So far, my favorite season is S3. Morgana's storyline is progressing, as is the romance between Arthur and Gwen. Things are getting exciting! ;D

    I like Merlinite better too...oh well;)

    I love super creepy, evil villains that you love to hate! And Morgana does a splendid job at that.

    Winnie - How do I figure this out? Well, I just fiddle around on my laptop until I discover how to do what I want to do. :)

    Amy - Oh, you should watch more! They're simply splendid!!
    The Arthur one is my favorite, too:)


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