
November 5, 2012

It's awesome.

It's awesome...when you're leaving the Post Office and an older man using a cane holds the door open for you, even though he's having trouble just walking through himself.  And then you hold the second door open for him.

It's awesome...holding one of the most adorable little one-year-old girls you've ever seen on your lap.  They're so plump and cuddly at that age, and I just love kids anyway. :)

It's awesome...watching the same little girl and her sister playing with fuzzy pipe-cleaners during church.  Those things keep them distracted forever!  I'm tucking that idea away for my future children.

It's awesome...when the guest speaker's sermon at church is "Does God Care About You?"  And you spend the next 30-40 min. hopping all over the Bible reading passages that say "Yes, He does!"

It's awesome...when you're blog reaches over 100 followers!  Hooray!  Lots of followers isn't my goal, but I'm not going to deny that it makes me super happy!  Thank you all!! :D

It's awesome...when all of the before-the-snow-comes clean-up is done outside and you can spend your days warm and snugly by the fire, reading books, playing music, watching movies and beating your mom at Blokus. *grin*

It's awesome...sipping hot chocolate on a chilly morning.

It's awesome...when you finally hit upon the perfect way to up-cycle/re-fashion that thrift store find from five years ago.  I'll be sharing pics later. :)

It's awesome...when there has been road construction on the highway right where you live all summer and they finally finish the new overpass, on-ramps and off-ramps.  It's fantastic!!  And sooooo much safer than before.  There used to be a lot of accidents right there because of the Silverwood theme park.  Yeah, there's a theme park close to where we live...sort of in the middle of's a bit weird.

It's awesome...when you're driving on the overpass for the first time and woo-hooing at the top of your lungs all the way...and then you realize how much of a country hick you really are. hehe

It's awesome...talking to friends on chat.

It's awesome...when a friend from church says she  visited your blog and it was one of the most fun blogs she's ever visited.  That made my day.

It's awesome...looking at a newborn baby's fingers.  They are amazing.

It's awesome...when you realize once again just how blessed you are.

Have an awesome, blessed day everyone! :)


  1. Congrats on 100 followers. You have a wonderful blog, so it's so surprise you've pass the 100 mark. :)

    Oooh, can't wait to see your thrift store refashion.

  2. Aww, love the first part about that old man at the post office! I bet that made your day.
    Babies are so sweet and cuddly.(:
    Congrats on topping a 100 followers! You deserve it!


  3. This was a lovely little post.
    We've had road construction where I live all summer too and I'm so ready for it to be over!

  4. Congratulations! Hitting over 100 followers is a huge accomplishment...and a blessing, too. ;)

    Keep up the good work!

  5. I LOVE babies' hands. Their so tiny and precious.

    Lovely post, Natasha

  6. That's awesome. : )

    And I totally understand about the little girl sitting in your lap - we went camping with our church this past weekend and this one little girl was literally glued to me. It was awesome. : )


  7. Oh sweet dimply baby fingers! I love them to pieces:) And I got to hold a newborn for the first time in years on Sunday, too... awesome. <3

  8. QUOTE: "It's awesome...when you finally hit upon the perfect way to up-cycle/re-fashion that thrift store find from five years ago. I'll be sharing pics later." :)

    LOL! Welcome to my world, lass. Refashioning can be great fun--a way to give an old frock new life, wot? Can't wait to see it!

    God bless,

  9. Baby's hands are awesome. So is being curled up in a blanket with Hot Tea and Biscotti :)
    God Bless

  10. Congratulations on 100 viewers!! That is awesome. It must feel very rewarding when you see people enjoying and participating on your blog. I know it must take you a lot of planning time and work to find the links and photos for complex posts like the Dr Who wallpapers, Silver Screen favorites and most recently the Dr. Who blog party!! When viewers write and respond you can dialogue about things that matter and interest you. Looking forward to more fun posts!!

  11. Congratulations on 100 followers! It will probably be YEARS till i get to their. :D I awarded you on my blog, be sure to check it out!

  12. "It's awesome...when you're driving on the overpass for the first time and woo-hooing at the top of your lungs all the way...and then you realize how much of a country hick you really are. hehe"
    :D You're funny. Glad to hear its finally done. Can't wait to see what it looks like up there.

    So glad the Bible is the Living Word of God and can find tons of verses that back each other up like that ♥

  13. It's awesome being conscious of those little things that are themselves awesome. Thoreau once said, in reference to those of his time who over-rated Bible miracles without seeing everyday miracles:
    "Cease to gnaw that crust--there is ripening fruit over your head."

    Don't let your sense of wonder or attention to little things get lost.

  14. when are the giveaway winner announced? Just wonderin....
    God Bless


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