
October 23, 2012

Doctor Who Blog Party | Guest Post {Felt Doctor Dolls - Vicki}


Hi everyone! I'm Vicki, and I blog over at Decked Out in Ruffles, sharing my faith, my love of fashion, vintage, sewing, and all things geeky. I'm a homeschool graduate turned college girl, and I am a huge, huge Doctor Who fan. Today I'm going to show y'all my first Doctor Who inspired craft, and share the story behind it. Allons-y!

Once there was a girl who discovered a  show on Netflix that seemed different than anything she'd ever seen before. It was British, it had aliens, and it had a blue box that was bigger on the inside and could traverse both time and space. So she said to herself, "I'll watch one episode: just one." And within minutes she was hooked. One episode turned into two, then three. She fell head over heels in love with the Doctor. It took her awhile to realize that she had met him several times before, years ago, when she was little, while watching reruns of past seasons (the ones with Peter Davison) with her dad, another fan. More than anything, she wanted the Doctor to appear outside her doorstep and whisk her away on a wild adventure, but to her dismay, he never came. She felt she needed her own Doctor, and, after some Pinterest inspiration, she set to work stitching her very own representations of the Doctor's 10th and 11th regenerations out of felt. And this is what came of that:

Ten was the first felt doll I'd ever sewn, and I was immensely proud of him, despite the fact that he was slightly lopsided and his trousers didn't quite fit. He had the hair and my favorite blue suit--oh, and Converse, of course!

I love Eleven and Ten almost equally, and so I knew I had to make one of Eleven too! They get along quite well together, though they do tend to squabble about who has the best hair or the best catch phrase and which episodes should be watched. Often they're too busy fighting aliens and saving the world to be too bothered by each other's company (though it is quite the paradox!).

Anyway! I modeled these two after a free pattern I discovered for simple felt dolls (which you can find here...I just added my own adjustments). I plan on doing a tutorial of some kind on my blog in the future, but in the meantime, if you'd like to try your hand at making your own, it's not very difficult at all, especially if you use this pattern as a base and build off it.

I hope you all enjoyed this post! I know I had loads of fun making it! If you like, feel free to hop on over to my blog and say hello. Thanks so much to Tasha for having me on her lovely blog, and to her and Ashley for hosting such an amazing blog party! 


And thank you Vicki for sharing your adorable felt dolls with us!  They're both amazing - I love Ten's hair!!  Actually, they both have amazing hair;)  I know what's on my "to make next" list! :)

Don't forget to hop over to Ashley's blog - she's sharing an awesome giveaway with you all today!


  1. Those are so cute! They're cute even if they weren't the Doctor, but them being the Doctor makes them totally amazing. :)

  2. I am not at all a DW aficionado , but these dolls awe just so cute! From the blog posters , they turned out to be so true to the series. Very clever indeed!!

  3. those are so cute!

    I just love 10 as the doctor and your doll of him is really good! David Tennant has such depth to his emotion! When he looks at you with those sad, brown eyes your like "Oh doctor...." :( I think my favorite doctor is 9. I can' t help it. He is just the best :D But I do love 10 and I will be devastated when we lose him (Don't worry 11. I'll give you a chance **Eyes warily**) Blink was so creepy. But I think "Empty child" and "The Doctor dances" were creepier *Grins*
    God Bless

  4. Adorable! And I LOVE the little sonic screwdriver!!

  5. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's just as adorable as I imagined. (Ten, of course. Who else?! ;)). MUST MUST MUST have one of these!!!!!

  6. Those are so awesome!!! Thanks so much for sharing the pattern.... Methinks I'll make one or two.... : )


  7. Those are sooooo cuuuute! I love Ten. His hair is perfect. ^_^ Hey, I totally am linkin' up for your Doctor Who party and I followed you. :D <3.

    Here's my Who Party Link! <3

  8. Vicki, those dolls are pretty clever!

    That's so cool that you "met" The Doctor back before this new craze. Shake hands with a fellow Old-school Whovian (my dad used to tape reruns of the Tom Baker [#4] years).

    God bless,
    ~"Wild Rose"~

  9. Oh my soul!!! Okay, I showed this to all my family members...even my brother, who's 19, said, "Oh golly, that is CUTE." Yes, please make a tutorial soon, Vicki! I'm not a "craft-y" person but I'm pretty sure I'd make these for my little siblings :D

  10. These are so impossibly cute! Fabulous job, Vicki!


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