
October 1, 2012

Canoeing, Badminton and Friends

Remember when Kellie and I got to meet Elise and her sisters Libby and Ellie at the coffee shop a few weeks ago?
Well, this most excellent and wonderful family invited us all up to their place for canoeing, badminton and dinner last Thursday.

Alex, Elise and Ellen

The house they're renting is right on Lake Pend Oreille.  It was an absolutely gorgeous day, sunny and warm,without being too hot.  And I was insanely excited about canoeing on the lake!

Lovely Kellie.

Have I ever mentioned how much I despise wearing shoes?  I love going barefoot:)

We paddled out of the inlet, around the bend, and there was Long Bridge.  The bridge we've driven over so many times on our way to Sandpoint, and we're going to go under it...

Kellie and I

Beautiful clear, cool, calm water.

The reflections from the water on the bridge are so beautiful.

Staying in the cool shade of the bridge, we paddled at least half way down the length, laughing, talking and singing all the way.  We sang Row, Row, Row Your Boat in rounds.  It was epic.

You have now heard me singing Row, Row, Row Your MYSELF.  Because for some reason, no one joined in when I started singing while I was filming this.  Also, I sound very odd to myself..and apparently someone was confused about something. Hehe.

Oh yes...sorry about the spot where the video goes all black.  We almost crashed into one of the bridge supports while I was filming because Kellie can't steer the canoe without my expert help.  I dropped the camera in my lap and saved our lives!!  Yes.  I did.  Because I'm awesome like that.  Okay, maybe it didn't go quite like that. ;D

After a bit, we headed back to the house to enjoy the rest of our afternoon playing badminton...

There was time for several games of Spoons inside before dinner, which is one of our favorite games. *grin*

They convinced Kellie to bring along her accordion and play a song for them, and Kellie in turn convinced my brother and I to play, too.   So we did.  For not having played together for a while we sounded pretty decent, in my opinion.

That's my concentrating-while-playing-the-mandolin face. ;)

After a delicious dessert of apple pie with ice cream, it was time for us to head home.

It was a perfect day that couldn't have been improved upon in anyway.
Thank you for the wonderful time, girls!

Happy Trails, y'all!


  1. What a beautiful time! That bridge is so cool! I've never been canoeing but my grandparents have said they'd love to take us some time. I do love playing badminton, and Spoons is one of my family's favorite games.

  2. What a terrific afternoon with friends!! The lake and scenery is breathtaking. Getting out in the water is always so relaxing because it is just so fun to get that close to nature. I wish you had added a video of you and Kellie playing together too. The singing one of row, row your boat doesn't want to play on my computer. It is always fun to hear the real voices behind a person you only know throught the internet. Thanks for sharing this epic adventure! Mmmmm, apple pie. Now that is what I call the perfect ending to a perfect day!Grin.

  3. It looks like you had so much fun! I love canoeing, and have been doing it ever since I was old enough to hold the paddle. :)

    I tagged and awarded you over at my blog:

  4. Sounds like you had a lovely time! I love all the pictures you took. It's always nice to have a blog post filled with images.
    Have a blessed day!

  5. How lovely that your friends lived right on the lake, and what fun to go canoeing! One of my favorite sports....

    You may sound "odd" to yourself, but I think you have a lovely voice, m'dear. :-) (And boo on the rest who didn't join in! :-P)

    God bless,

  6. Beautiful photos and better activities you could not do.

    I recall when I was around 8 or 9, my family and a neighbor family went to Yosemite N. P. to camp.
    The facilities then were still what is now called primitive.
    We all slept in tents or under the stars and had a campfire, etc. We even had a black bear visit us at night. I recall getting up to go to the bathroom (there wasn't any) and then I saw a black bear in the distance and was a blur back to the tent!

    We tried to canoe on the Merced River, but the current was too fast for us and we went every which way but the way we wanted to go. None of us was experienced!


    Will (William Dane)

  7. For some reason I missed this when you posted it, but I read it now! The canoeing looks like fun. The scenery is beautiful! Oh, and I liked the videos. I was thinking that it would be really, really, really, cool if you made some sort of vlog or just a video of some sort. Seeing videos of other bloggers makes it seem like I "know" them more, if you get what I mean. :) Anyways, just an idea.

  8. Miss Melody Muffin - It is a seriously cool bridge! Canoeing is a lot of fun! I don't do it very often (this was only my second time), but it's something I'd like to do more of.

    Winnie - I'm afraid all of the videos of us playing were on Kellie's camera so I don't have them. Maybe she'll share one...if they're not too bad;)

    Miss Elizabeth - Thanks for the awards! I'll be collecting them soon:)

    Purity Leigh - I love picture posts a lot, too:)

    Tom - Thank you, dear! Hehe, boo indeed;D

    Mr. Dane - Oh, goodness! Those are some simply fantastic memories!!

    Sereina - Glad you enjoyed the post and videos! Hmm...a vlog...I rather like that idea! I do love seeing videos of other bloggers - it does seem like you know them more. We shall see;)


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!