
October 22, 2012

Doctor Who Blog Party | Party Tag and Link-up

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes!
It's time for the Doctor Who Blog Party!!

We'll start this wibbley wobbley party off with the party link-up.  Just answers the questions below in a post on your blog and then come back and share your post by adding your link to the linky at the bottom of this post.   Please make sure the link is to your party post, not just to your blog.

{If you don't have a blog, feel free to answer the questions in a comment!  We don't want anyone left out!}

|the questions|

1| If you decided to name your first born child after any Doctor Who character, male or female, who would it be?

2| What is your favourite colour of the Doctor's shoes?

3| Look around yourself and name the one thing that is TARDIS blue in your house!

4| If you could pick who plays the Twelfth Doctor which actor would you choose and why?

5| The Doctor is going back in time again, which historical era should he visit?

6| Would you REALLY go with the Doctor in the TARDIS?

7| Who's your favorite Doctor and why?

8| Would you be afraid to spend Christmas in London?

9| Do you look at an ordinary screwdriver and think 'this could be a bit more sonic?'

10| Angel statues, plastic mannequins, Christmas trees - what ordinary everyday object would you love to make an object of terror to Whovians were you Steven Moffat?

11| The TARDIS lands in your garden and the Doctor steps out. What is the first thing you say to him?

12| Who is your favorite actor who has played the Doctor so far and why?

13| Have you seen any Classic Doctor Who? If so, which Doctor/episode(s) is your favorite?

14| Which are the creepiest, scariest and all-out meanest baddies in all the Who-niverse?

15| Who is/are your favorite Companion(s) and why?

16| Did you cry more watching Doomsday or The Angels Take Manhattan?

17| What is your favorite quote from the show?

18| Which Doctor (including all previous regenerations) would you most like to be the companion of, and why?

19| Which of the following are you more scared of, the Daleks, Cybermen, or the Weeping Angles?

20| Who are some of your favorite guest stars in the series?

21| What was your first experience with Doctor Who and how did you hear about the series?

22| The Ninth Doctor said, 'Fantastic!', Ten said, 'Allons-y', and Eleven says, 'Geronimo'; what would you like to be the signature exclamation of the Twelfth Doctor?

23| If you were trapped in an episode, which one would it be?

24| Which is your favorite episode with each Doctor (Nine, Ten and Eleven)?

25| After watching a certain Doctor Who episode, did you summon up the courage to try fish sticks and custard?

Have fun!  I can't wait to read everyone's answers! :)

Don't forget to check Ashley's blog for more Doctor Who fun!!  And check back here later for our first giveaway!  You won't want to miss this one, folks!


  1. OOOOOOOO Doctor who!! Finally!!!

    Ok time to answer questions;

    1) I would name my girl Rose and a boy.... Peter :D

    2) black

    3) a school binder an a dresser

    4)BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH!!! I really want him to be the Doctor...he's quirky he can be funny and he looks really nice in a scarf :)

    5)He should watch the Declaration of independence be signed... maybe even sign it under another name :D

    6)I don't know. Probably.

    7)Christopher Eccleston. He just seemed more like a 903 year old timelord... he acted a bit.... older *Grin* Plus he was very passionate and kind. I just love him. He is the best :) :) (Don't be angry. I think David is awesome too. I love love love him. :D)

    8)I would be slightly wary of spending Christmas in London... but I may. After all, I might meet the Doctor.

    9) OH YES!

    10) Beds. and a vaccuum cleaner.

    11) Are you seriously the Doctor?? Or this this a joke??

    12) I don't think I HAVE a favorite actor. Christopher and David are sort of equal in that respect. though David is SERIOUSLY good at showing emotion.

    13)by classical I figure you mean from 1-8. So, NO.

    14)The Master. He's like "Evil Doctor" *Shiver*

    15)Rose is my favorite companion. She was just so sweet and funny... and she got SOOO excited over everything the doctor did. She also seemed to understand him more than the others do :)

    16)I haven't seen "Angels take Manhattan" but I did sob over doomsday. Rose! Doctor... :(

    17) "I'm a doctor... I'm a timelord, I'm from the planet Gallifrey... etc. (Voyage of the Damned) I also like the one "No second chances. I'm that sort of man." It is so cool!!!!

    18) Doctor 10. simply because he seems to have better adventures than doctor 9... and I haven't met doctor 11 yet.

    19)Weeping Angels. Hands down.

    20) Colin Morgan.

    21) I'm not sure what you mean by "1st experience" I think you mean how I felt. I didn't like it at 1st. It was kind of dumb... but then it got good :) Friends from my church introduced me to it... 2 months ago.

    22) Ummm.... Fascinating. It sounds very "Doctor who/Sherlock like. so it would fit Benedict *grin*

    23) "Blink"

    24)doctor nine; "Are you my mummy" and "Fathers day." Ten; "Blink and "midnight" Haven't seen any of 11.

    25)Nope. I haven't seen that episode yet. Fish sticks and custard sounds horrific :-(

  2. PS'

    The 1st comment is from BELLA. So sorry I forgot to sign my name.

  3. 1| If you decided to name your first born child after any Doctor Who character, male or female, who would it be? Rose for a girl and Jack for a guy.

    2| What is your favourite colour of the Doctor's shoes? His red converse

    3| Look around yourself and name the one thing that is TARDIS blue in your house! I'm gonna cheat^^ I have a cut out Tardis on my nightstand.

    4| If you could pick who plays the Twelfth Doctor which actor would you choose and why? David Wenham would be a really fun Doctor...and he's blonde, which the Doctor hasn't been in a while.

    5| The Doctor is going back in time again, which historical era should he visit? French Revolution

    6| Would you REALLY go with the Doctor in the TARDIS? anywhere, I'd just be glad to be with him.

    7| Who's your favorite Doctor and why? Ten. He's just adorable, funny, and perfect. And I like his hair.

    8| Would you be afraid to spend Christmas in London? Not really, maybe the Doctor would show up and I could find him!

    9| Do you look at an ordinary screwdriver and think 'this could be a bit more sonic?' I should^^

    10| Angel statues, plastic mannequins, Christmas trees - what ordinary everyday object would you love to make an object of terror to Whovians were you Steven Moffat? Iphones. Muahah!

    11| The TARDIS lands in your garden and the Doctor steps out. What is the first thing you say to him? First I would demand proof that it was really him. Then I would squeal and hug him.

    12| Who is your favorite actor who has played the Doctor so far and why? David Tennant. He's amazing.

    13| Have you seen any Classic Doctor Who? If so, which Doctor/episode(s) is your favorite? Nope, I haven't even finished New Who.

    14| Which are the creepiest, scariest and all-out meanest baddies in all the Who-niverse? Weeping Angels scare me to death.

    15| Who is/are your favorite Companion(s) and why? Rose!! First companion and I love the relationship between her and the Doctor.

    16| Did you cry more watching Doomsday or The Angels Take Manhattan? Alas, because of spoilers and coming into the fandom late, I didn't cry during Doomsday and I haven't seen Angels Take Manhattan.

    17| What is your favorite quote from the show? I can't choose!! I love Allons-y.

    18| Which Doctor (including all previous regenerations) would you most like to be the companion of, and why? Ten. I wanna ruffle his hair. but also he seems like he'd be the most fun.

    19| Which of the following are you more scared of, the Daleks, Cybermen, or the Weeping Angles? Weeping Angels

    20| Who are some of your favorite guest stars in the series? Georgia Moffet and Carey Mulligan.

    21| What was your first experience with Doctor Who and how did you hear about the series? My best friend told me I had to watch it, but I'd seen some stuff around the internet before. So one day I sat down and watched 'Rose' and fell in love with the show.

    22| The Ninth Doctor said, 'Fantastic!', Ten said, 'Allons-y', and Eleven says, 'Geronimo'; what would you like to be the signature exclamation of the Twelfth Doctor? hmmm, good question. One to which I can't think of an answer to x] sorry!

    23| If you were trapped in an episode, which one would it be? Blink

    24| Which is your favorite episode with each Doctor? Nine: Father's Day. Ten: can't choose!! I love them all! Eleven: I haven't seen any yet.

    25| After watching a certain Doctor Who episode, did you summon up the courage to try fish sticks and custard? I made cookies that looked like fish fingers and ate them with vanilla pudding as a substitute.

  4. FINALLY posted mine.... Silly Blogger HTML.... : P

    Eowyn (of inklings press)

  5. 1. If you decided to name your first born child after any Doctor Who character, male or female, who would it be?

    Rose. I've always liked the name.

    2. What is your favourite colour of the Doctor's shoes?

    Likely the red. I do like the cream ones, too, though.

    3. Look around yourself and name the one thing that is TARDIS blue in your house!

    I see two things, immediately. One is a spool of TARDIS blue thread, the other is the bin underneath my bed that holds my library books and DVDs.

    4. If you could pick who plays the Twelfth Doctor which actor would you choose and why?

    I’ve seen the idea of Tom Hiddleston being the next Doctor floating around…that’d be something! I'm sure whoever it is will be grand though. BBC’s done wonderfully at picking the perfect Doctor so far!

    5. The Doctor is going back in time again, which historical era should he visit?

    Hmm...I don't want to be a copy-cat and say Regency England or the French Revolution (though both would be fantastic!)...He's travelled to America before, so...why not the Civil War. I had some other ideas, but I've forgotten them now.

    6. Would you REALLY go with the Doctor in the TARDIS?


    7. Who's your favorite Doctor and why?

    Ten. Though gotta say I really, really loved Nine, too. I think I love Ten so much because we see he really *is* the same man, just with a new face. We continue to see how much he cares for Rose, and how sad and lonely he is. (I have not yet watched any episodes with the 11th Doctor yet...plan to soon though! From what I've read, he is very different from Nine and Ten, so I think I'm fair in saying Ten will still be my favorite. Always.)

    8. Would you be afraid to spend Christmas in London?

    No, I'd quite look forward to it!

    9. Do you look at an ordinary screwdriver and think 'this could be a bit more sonic?'

    Of course!

    10. Angel statues, plastic mannequins, Christmas trees - what ordinary everyday object would you love to make an object of terror to Whovians were you Steven Moffat?

    Trying to think of something clever here...perhaps some type of kitchen utensil (yes, I spend a lot of time in the kitchen!) I have always been wary of microwaves. :P (My idea sounds really lame now that I've typed it out, haha!) Maybe something with mirrors. Yes, I believe they have potential to be mighty terrifying.

    11. The TARDIS lands in your garden and the Doctor steps out. What is the first thing you say to him?

    I don't think I'd be able to say anything, honestly.

    12. Who is your favorite actor who has played the Doctor so far and why?

    David Tennant, for sure.

    13. Have you seen any Classic Doctor Who? If so, which Doctor/episode(s) is your favorite?

    Yes, some. I've only watched Tom Baker so far, but I'm working on watching the others.

    14. Which are the creepiest, scariest and all-out meanest baddies in all the Who-niverse?

    Maybe...the Vashta Nerada. The water creatures, whatever they were called, in The Waters of Mars were kinda creepy, too. Not exactly mean, though.

    15. Who is/are your favorite Companion(s) and why?

    I've loved all of them, really.

    16. Did you cry more watching Doomsday or The Angels Take Manhattan?

    I've only seen Doomsday so far. And I sobbed buckets and buckets. All the times I watched it. From what I hear, The Angels Take Manhattan doesn't have quite the same affect on viewers as does Doomsday.

  6. 17. What is your favorite quote from the show?

    Goodness, there're so many I cannot choose just one!

    I like "Look at the hairs on the back of my manly hairy hand!" for no particular reason. It's just fun. :P

    "Allons-y!" is a must for when it's time to go anywhere, of course...

    "Don't blink. Blink and you're dead." is perfect for staring contests!

    And, I know it's awful but whenever someone turns out the lights..."Hey, who turned out the lights? Hey, who turned out the lights?..."

    I love sneaking outside my sister's bedroom window and saying "Mummy..." (YES! I have converted one family member to a Whovian!! High fives all around!:D) Really, it's great craic to call anyone's name in the eerie manner that "Mummy" was said and see how the person responds. Hey, there's an idea. In public, call that out and see who turns around with their mouth hanging open. Whovians, unite!

    "Hermits United. We meet up every ten years and swap stories about caves. It's good fun. For a hermit."

    "I'm not saying it was aliens...but it was aliens."

    There're more, I'm sure.

    Yes, my family does think I'm a bit mad.

    18. Which Doctor (including all previous regenerations) would you most like to be the companion of, and why?

    Ten. I think we all know why.

    19. Which of the following are you more scared of, the Daleks, Cybermen, or the Weeping Angels?

    I probably should be more scared of the Daleks, but I'm not. I just hate 'em. The Cybermen...they're frightening, Now the Weeping Angels. I don't know what it is, but, oooh. Though, the thought of being thrown back in time to live your life out is pretty cool if you think about it!

    20. Who are some of your favorite guest stars in the series?

    21. What was your first experience with Doctor Who and how did you hear about the series?

    22. The Ninth Doctor said, 'Fantastic!', Ten said, 'Allons-y', and Eleven says, 'Geronimo'; what would you like to be the signature exclamation of the Twelfth Doctor?

    Not sure.

    23. If you were trapped in an episode, which one would it be?

    Hmm...I'll have to think about that one.

    24. Which is your favorite episode with each Doctor (Nine, Ten and Eleven)?

    Nine: Father's Day, The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, and Bad Wolf/The Parting of Ways

    Ten: The Christmas Invasion, School Reunion, The Idiot's Lantern, Fear Her, Army of Ghosts/Doomsday, 42, Human Nature/The Family of Blood, Voyage of the Damned, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, Turn Left/The Stolen Earth/Journey's End, The Waters of Mars, The End of Time

    No, I do not have ONE favorite episode. It was hard enough narrowing it down to that many.

    25. After watching a certain Doctor Who episode, did you summon up the courage to try fish sticks and custard?

    Haven't seen it yet...but yeah, I'd likely give it a try. We just had fish fingers the other day, but I was too tired to make any custard.


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!