
July 9, 2012

Independence Day

Greetings all!  Whew - it's sooo good to be back after my short blogging break!
I hope you all had a wonderful Independence Day.  I certainly did, and here's the proof...

Over to Kellie's place to celebrate.
First, a walk in the golden afternoon light...

Kellie took some awesome outfit photos for me, which I shall share at a later date.
It's lovely when your best friend owns a proper camera.

The guys thought rusty heavy equipment would make the perfect photoshoot backdrop, so we gave it a try.

"I want YOU!"

Back to the house for our BBQ...

f  e l l o w s h i p

The Bonnie dog got to come, too.  She loved it:)

Time for some badminton, Idaho Country Style...

Before you ask, yes, we are wearing sweaters.  That was before the heat wave hit this week and even now it still gets rather chilly in the evening, enough to make a light sweater feel good.

The badminton rackets are so adorable, Kellie decided a photoshoot was in order...

I love you, Kellie:)
You can read Kellie's 4th of July post here.

The Bonnie dog again - she spent most of the evening snoozing where our invisible net was;)

After my brother and I returned home, we hiked up the mountain behind our house to watch the Silverwood Theme Park fireworks show.  It's tradition.   We had fun yelling that we wanted "a BIG one!!!"  lol.  Fun, fun;)

And then, to wrap up our 4th of July, we sat on my bed and watched National Treasure.

p e r f e c t i o n

Happy Trails, y'all!


  1. What a fun time! I love all of the girls outfits, so very lovely and old fashioned! =)

  2. Great photos, Natasha, of an obvious very good time. I'm glad you enjoyed your 4th of July. Is that Mr. & Mrs. Arndt there with you? Has Matthew grown any taller?
    Please remind him for me that doorways are generally only 8 feet high! Ha!
    How far is Silverwood from your home as the crow flies?
    I'm glad you're blogging again.


  3. Looks like a fun 4th of July! The pictures with the badminton rackets are cute.

    We spend the 4th in Oregon. Hopefully I'll get that blog post up sooner than later...

  4. Ok Tasha - the perfect photo caption. It goes like this:

    "... Ten??"

    You know the pic I mean. Hint - #6 from the bottom.

    Hehe... ;D

  5. Looks like super fun!:) Love the rusty shots, heh!

  6. Lovely photos! Looks like you all had an amazing time!(:


  7. How fun!!!!!! That would be such a blast!!!

  8. Yay! Your back! Really liked the badminton shots! and the one with the backhoe(?) in the background. Looks like you had a great time!
    I was hoping for a little baby bro or sis to be born here at our home on the 4th but it didn't happen.:( So we removed fencing on the 4th and he was born yesterday instead.:) Almost a week later then I wanted him to come! Haha.

    God Bless,

  9. KatySue - An amazingly fun time, indeed=)

    Will - Yes, that's the Arndts. Hmm, I'm not sure if Matthew has grown any taller lately. lol. I will definitely point that fact out to him;)
    Silverwood is about 3 miles from us.
    I'm glad I'm blogging again, too:)

    Sereina - I can't wait to see your 4th of July pictures!

    Kellie - Oh, yeah!! "Is that...the TARDIS????" Hehe;D

    Emily - I rather like them myself;)

    Vicki - We did, indeed!

    Alexandra - It was a blast!!=)

    Mia - Yes, I'm back! =D It was a wonderful 4th.
    Congratulations on your new baby brother!! I loved seeing the pictures of him on your blog. So sweet.


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!