
July 12, 2012

I ♥ Thursday {no. 4}

This week I'm lovin'...

David Tennant's Scottish accent.
Okay, so this isn't news to my readers and maybe I always love his accent, not just this week;)

David reading a bedtime story - it doesn't get much cuter than that:)
I especially love the way he says 'emergency', 'earth', and 'poor'...

Happy Trails, y'all! 


  1. That, my dear, is not an amairgency. Clean socks AIR NOT an amairgency. Elephants do not wear socks anyways.

    I think I need to find Matilda's Mummy and tell her this Very Firmly Indeed.

  2. I, um....mayyyyyy have this memorized. And, um, mayyyyy have this on my iPod. And, um, maaaayyyyy listen to it, like...(whispers) every night.

    He has the best Scottish accent EVER. Love, love, love it. Could listen all day long. :)

    "'Matilda's mummy!' cried Emily Brown, Very Firmly Indeed, 'Elephants do not wear socks, clean or otherwise, and clean socks are not an amairgency!'"

    Happy sigh.

  3. I loved this video! Especially the way he says emergency.(; I've been pronouncing it that way ever since I first saw it, just because it's fun. ;D


  4. Swoon.

    Swoon. How many times do you have to make me swoon over this? ;D

  5. Hahaha, I found those a couple weeks ago and watched them all a few times...then I thought I'd show them to my little sister. ;) She loved them too. Richard Armitage also does some, as well as...Jonas Armstrong and some other British guys. :)

  6. Oh my. Thank you for sharing this. It is adorable.

  7. Ahhh!!! I love this video! And of course, I just adore David Tennant's Scottish accent. :D

    BTW, I've been loving your Doctor Who wallpapers. In fact, I've been rotating them every other day. ;-) I really love all of your David Tennant & Billie Piper ones, and just the ones with David. :D

  8. That was so cute! I am so letting my four-year old sister watch this. She will love it!

  9. Awww, this is so cute! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Miss Dashwood - lol. I think so;)

    Alexandra - Why does this not surprise me? ;D

    Yes, he absolutely does!! I know, me too:)

    That line makes my day every time. *grin*

    Vicki - Hehe, me too!

    Kellie - *grin*

    Mary Beth - Ooh, there are some with Richard Armitage, too?! Must find those!!

    Sarah Hudson - You're welcome! it is completely adorable:)

    Ashley - It's the best Scottish accent. :D

    I'm so glad you've been enjoying my DW wallpapers!! Those are my favorites, too. *grin*

    Elaine - I'm sure she will! How fun:)

    GreenMedallion - You're welcome:)


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