
June 21, 2012

I ♥ Thursday {no. 3}

This week I'm lovin'...

lace collars

they add so much vintage charm to a plain blouse or shirt

yep - I'm in love

I just bought a few off of Etsy and I can't WAIT for them to get here!


So what are you lovin' today?

all images via my Pinterest


  1. Ooohhh, lace collars are quite wonderful!! They add just the right amount of perk to an otherwise plain neckline. Us** ahem** older girls have known the secret of lace collars since the 1950s! I love that they are coming back and more available. You must share with us your new collars when they arrive!

  2. Ohhhh my. Those are so gorgeous!!! I would LOVE to have one of those!!! SOooo pretty!!!

  3. Ha! I truly didn't read this before I saw you yesterday... but I'm really not surprised:)

    Lace collars are amazing!

  4. Beautiful collars, Natasha! I have one a friend gave've inspired me to go and find it and see which blouses might look nice with it :)

    I also just wanted to stop by and mention that I've tagged you at my blog! Hope you're doing well and I'll "see" you later (on Pinterest :D).

  5. Thank you, ladies for your wonderful comments!

    Winnie - *smile* I will definitely share my new collars when they arrive.

    Alexandra - Lace collars are good. I think we agree on this point;)

    Kellie - Haha! I wasn't sure if you had or not, but I'm really not surprised either:) They are indeed amazing!

    Maribeth - Oh, I hope you'll show us your lace collar when you find it!
    Thanks for the tag:)


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!