
May 4, 2012

Farm Projects

A few weeks ago my bro and I made some feeders for the sheep out of pallets.
I was inspired to make them after seeing this pin on Pinterest...

It seemed like a super simple way to make a feeder...and it absolutely was!

My skills with tools are rather varied.
Hammer and problem.
Wood saw...nothing to brag about.
Wire cutters and
Drill...big fat zero.

I've no doubt I could have figured out how to use the drill to screw the pallets together, but the guys didn't trust me with their drill...I can't say I blame them.
So, my most excellent bro came out and put the pallets together for me.

And, viola!
A sturdy feeder which cost nothing to make except for the screws we used.
It works beautifully.

We made two, one for each shelter.  Less wasted hay, and less chance of internal parasites since the sheep and llamas are not eating off the ground.  That's an epic win in my book.

My next project was the fix the broken spots in our portable electric sheep fence.
Last year, Sweet Pea got in to the bad habit of jumping over the fence when the battery in the fence charger ran down.
She's a fiend in sheep form sometimes...a fiend in sheep form.
I'm not joking.
Anyway, every time she did that she usually caught part of the fence on her feet and broke it.
Charming, just charming.

I was faced with the task of fixing the fence.  To be completely honest, I was looking forward to the challenge.  After a bit o' research with my old friend the internet and some trial and error on my part (involving a propane torch, birthday candles, and three feet of lead pipe...not joking...well, except for the lead pipe;), I discovered the best way to fix the fence.
I used crimps, a crimper (for crimping the crimps...betcha didn't guess that), and scissors.
Plus, the extra plastic fencing that came with the fence.

My dad provided the crimps and gave me the rundown on what and what not to do with the crimpers and then left me to my own devices.

Never too busy for a shadow picture:)

This was the worst section of the fence... 

And I can't actually pin this part on Sweet Pea.  No, this section was chewed on by the lambs last year.  It was turned off and I guess they were hungry...or something.

Here is is after I fixed it...

And some kitty pics to wrap things up...


Next on my long list of outdoor spring farm projects is re-seeding the lower, upper and horse pastures...and maybe the small sheep pasture, too, if we have seed left after that.  The horse pasture has top priority though, as it's been neglected the past few years while we've been working on the sheep pastures.

Well, that's all for now...thanks for stopping by, y'all.
Happy Trails!

70 followers!!!  Woohoo!!!!!  Thanks folks=)


  1. I'm thinking we need to follow suit and build a feeder for the goats - I love your idea!
    Marvelous and inspiring, dear. Thanks for sharing!

    A propane torch, birthday candles, and three feet of lead pipe...hehe;)

  2. Tasha~ now we get to see the nitty gritty about what is behind those adorable lambs!!! Escaping Moms, trampled fence lines, mowed down pastures requiring re-seeding, and an endless need to fix and build sturdy feeders. Who would have guessed all that?? Not this city girl!!The pallet idea is truly genius, I think! Very practical and cost effective. And a sweet brother to assist?? I love brothers! I have two and honestly, I am very attached to them! Now , that second photo of Bonnie?? She captures my sentiments exactly----Let me get a good ringside seat here and watch all of these "doings". Some of us girls do best as supervisors and cheerleaders! Yep, Bonnie Girl,save me a spot beside you 'cause I am not like your Momma... sorta like having 4 paws ie not much help!

  3. very intersting,,,,i want to have a farm are so lucky that you like at the country...God bless you.

  4. Your skill with tools seems pretty amazing compared to mine, haha! I can use a hammer (without getting my thumbs TOO blue), and I love pliers, but that's it... :P
    Love the pics of the animals! The feeder turned out great!


  5. Wow, you've been busy, girl! I'm amazed at your mad fence-mending skills. I can operate a drill if needs must, but the fence would have had me stymied. :-P Hurrah for brothers who come to the rescue when it comes to using power tools!

    Ooh, look! Cute kitties! :-D

    God bless,
    ~"Wild Rose"~

  6. What a great caretaker you are Natasha. A novel and simple design for aboveground feeders.
    Your sheep and llamas are the better for it. I'm glad your brother was there to help you.


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