
April 29, 2012

walking in the gloaming

g l o a m i n g
twilight; dusk

because sometimes you just need to take a walk in the twilight...

sometimes, you just need to feel the cool evening breeze...

sometimes, you just need to soak in God's creation...

sometimes, you just need to pour your heart out to God where no one can see you...

sometimes, you just need to cry in the rain...

sometimes, you just need to hear His voice...

sometimes, you just need to remember why the Lord created dogs...

sometimes, you just need to remember how much He loves you...

sometimes, you just need to remember that you are forgiven...

sometimes, you just need to remember that you are His forever...

sometimes, what you really need is a walk in the twilight.


  1. Lovely

  2. Oh, that was beautiful! I think the pic of the logging road is my favorite - it makes me want to take a good gallop down it's windings... we need to do that sometime again:)

    Aubrey's back, and yesterday we all went for a hike in the gloaming, too! (More like a screeching, tumbling, giggling, side-splitting circus parade at full speed, but with all the little girls along, what could you expect?=) It was such a beautiful evening!

  3. Yes, sometimes we need to just soak in the beauty of nature and let our frustrations go to the winds. The virtual tour of your woods is quite beautiful and calming to me. Spring popping out in every direction just feels so good after a long cold winter?! Be encouraged. We in blog land love and support you too.

  4. Beautiful photos Natasha. Bonnie's coloring fits right into the forest. I was expecting an owl to fly by giving you a companionable hoot!

  5. Beautiful pictures! I love the one of the silhouetted trees! Be still and know that I am God...... Ps 46:10. That verse just popped into my head while thinking about your walk.
    So many times have I felt like taking a walk like that over the past 6 months but unfortunately I am not to fond of pleasure walking in the snow and cold.;) And people tell me this past winter has been mild! I think I will die (dramatic sigh) when we experience a "normal" winter!:)


  6. Beautiful post...the pictures are lovely!



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