
April 16, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

I've been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award by Elaine of Musings of an Old-Fashioned Young Woman.  Thank you, Elaine!
I think this may be my first award...*thinks*...yeah, I'm pretty sure it is.

So, here are the instructions for this here award...

1.  In a post on your blog, nominate 4 fellow bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.

2.  In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award.

3.  In the same post, thank the blogger (or bloggers!) who nominated you with a link back to their blog(s).

4.  In the same post, include 7 random pieces of information about you.

5.  In the same post, include this set of rules.

6.  Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination with a comment on their blog.

Ok, I nominate...
Emily of Emily, the Industrious 
Rebekah of The Rambling Rose

No pressure to accept the award if you don't want to...but really, who doesn't like awards? 
7 random pieces of information about me...
 Oh heavens - is it possible to run out of random information about yourself??
  1. I have grey eyes - sometimes they look blue, sometimes they look green and sometimes they look grey.  It all depends on what color I'm wearing.
  2. My brother and I have long desired to buy a goldfish and name it George (like in Sabrina)...but we never have.  Maybe this year, we'll finally do that:)
  3. I grew up listening to The Adventures in Odyssey and I still love them.
  4. My favorite book in the Bible is Titus.
  5. I bite and pick at my fingernails when I'm nervous...a habit I am determined to break this year if it's the last thing I ever do!  So let it be written, so let it be done.
  6. I cannot stand tuna fish sandwiches...and I'm not overly fond of peanut butter and honey either. *shudders* 
  7. My name, Natasha, means nativity or Christ's birth.  I love that:)
And there we go!  
Happy Trails, y'all!


  1. I LOVED the adventures in odessy! We also had one around here called "Patch the Pirate" that was great.

    And the only way I got myself to quit biting my nails was to paint french tips on them. I guess it was a vanity thing, but I hated to ruin them after I'd spent so long on them... course I still bite.. just not into the quick lol!

  2. I would say that what makes your blog a versatile winner is the depth of knowledge you have about movies from all eras!!! You are a virtual Wikipedia when it comes to genres and actors/actresses! Then there is the Sheperdhess side with lambing skills and care of newborns. Next is the seamstress side with cute vintage items sewn up and worn( like the darling birthday jumper). All of these skill sets and more are shared with your readers every post. So yes, I agree you should win a versatile blogger award!

  3. Thanks for the Award! I'll be posting the Seven Random Things in a later entry....

    God bless and
    ~"Wild Rose"~

  4. Avonlea_dreamer - Oh! We listened to Patch the Pirate, too!! =D
    I've tried painting my nails, but that doesn't seem to keep me from biting them...arg.

    Thank you, Winnie:)

    You're welcome, Rebekah! =)

  5. Really? I didn't know he traveled that far!

    And haha, well you can always try the good old alternative of putting hot sauce or something else unpalatable on them. :D (that's what they always told me to do... but I never had the heart to try it. :D )

  6. I don't like peanut butter and honey either...the rest of my family thinks I'm crazy!
    Thanks for the award, Natasha! I finally remembered to post about it today!



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