
April 1, 2012

It's time to announce the winners of the {Name That Line!} blog party game!

Day by Day

 But first, here are the answers...
{1.} Funny Face - Maggie Prescott
Character 1: She put herself in your place - all you have to do is put yourself in her place, and you're *bound* to bump into each other in somebody's place.

{2.} Guys and Dolls - Harry the Horse to Nicely Nicely
Character 1: I just acquired five thousand fish.
Character 2: Five thousand? If it can be told, where did you take on this fine bundle of lettuce? 
Character 1: I have nothing to hide. I collected the reward on my father.
Character 3: It is an advantage to have a successful father. Nobody ever wanted my old man for as much as five hundred.

{3.} Casablanca - Captain Renault
Character 1: I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here.

{4.} His Girl Friday

{5.} The Trouble With Angels - Rachel and Mary
Character 1: What's your name?
Character 2: Kim Novak.
Character 1: I like that.
Character 2: So do I, but I'm stuck with Mary Clancy.

{6.} Born Yesterday - Paul and Billie
Character 1: Nobody's born smart, Billie. Do you know what the stupidest thing on Earth is? An infant!
Character 2: Whadaya got against babies all of a sudden?

{7.} The Harvey Girls

{8.} Charade - Peter Joshua and Regina Lampert
Character 1: You're blocking my view.
Character 2: Ohh... which view would you prefer?
Character 1: The one you're blocking.

{9.} Swing Time - Penny Caroll
Character 1: Listen. No one could teach you to dance in a million years. Take my advice and save your money!

{10.} Holiday
{11.} The Great Escape - Sedgwick and Danny
Character 1: Danny, do you speak Russian?
Character2: A little, but only one sentence.
Character 1: Well, let me have it, mate.
Character 2: Ia vas liubliu.
Character 1: Ia vas...
Character 2: Liubliu.
Character 1: Liubliu? Ia vas liubliu. Ia vas liubliu. What's it mean?
Character 2: I love you.
Character 1: I love you? What bloody good is that?
Character 2: I don't know. I wasn't going to use it myself.

{12.} Mary Poppins
Character 1: In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and - SNAP - the job's a game!

{13.} The Big Country

{14.} That Darn Cat! - Ingrid and Gregory
Character 1: Be careful Gregory, be extremely careful about what you say! I haven't had my coffee yet, and I'm in no mood for stupid, irresponsible remarks.
Character 2: Oh.

{15.} National Velvet - Donald and Mally
Character 1: I was sick all night!
Character 2: That's a lie, Donald. You weren't sick.
Character 1: I could've been sick if I wanted to.

{16.} North of the Great Divide (Roy Rogers)

{17.} Ben-Hur - Judah Ben-Hur and Balthasar
Character 1: When the Romans were marching me to the galleys, thirst had almost killed me. A man gave me water to drink, and I went on living. I should have done better if I'd poured it into the sand!
Character 2: No.
Character 1: I'm thirsty still.

{18.} Mrs. Miniver - Carol
Character 1: I know how comfortable it is to curl up with a nice, fat book full of big words and think you're going to solve all the problems in the universe. But you're not, you know. A bit of action is required every now and then.

{19.} High Noon

{20.} Sabrina - David and Linus Larrabee
Character 1: I've been trying to write her a poem, but I can't seem to finish it. What rhymes with "glass"?
Character 2: Glass... Glass...[snaps fingers] "Alas."
Character 1: [snaps fingers] Of course!

{21.} The Major and the Minor - Susan Applegate
Character 1: You should be very glad I'm not 12. I was a very straightforward child. I used to spit.

{22.} You Can't Take It With You - Tony Kirby
Character 1: Sometimes you're so beautiful it just gags me.

{23.} The Parent Trap - Verbena
Character 1: I'm not saying a word. Not one single word.

{24.} Random Harvest - Kitty
Character 1: Sometimes, especially when we've been closest, I've had the curious feeling that I remind you of someone else - someone you once knew... someone you loved as you'll never love me. I am nearly the one, Charles. But nearly isn't enough for a lifetime.

{25.} Laura - Waldo Lydecker
Character 1: I should be sincerely sorry to see my neighbor's children devoured by wolves. 

And now, for the winners...

Ashley P. with 20 correct guesses!!
Michelle with 11 correct guesses!!
Susannah with 10 correct guesses!!

The three winners will get extra entries in the giveaway, which will be announced shortly.

Thank you to everyone who participated!  You all did an amazing job guessing!!
Is this something you'd enjoy doing again?

Have a wonderful day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to the winners!

    Yes, do have another guessing game sometime. These are always fun...even if you haven't a clue what the lines are from, you at least get a chuckle out of them. ;-)

    God bless,
    ~"Wild Rose"~


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