
March 10, 2012

You're invited... the Silver Screen Blog Party!
{March 18th-31st}

{find the party questionnaire and link-up here}
{enter the giveaway here}
{play Name That Line! here}

What could be a more appropriate way to celebrate Wool & What-not's 1 year anniversary and my 23rd birthday than a Silver Screen Blog Party?

I have so much fun in store for you, my dear readers...
...a game...or maybe two...
...and much more:)

The more the merrier! 
Grab a party button for your sidebar...

Day by Day

Day by Day

Day by Day

Day by Day

Day by Day

Day by Day

Day by Day

Day by Day

Day by Day
Ok, so maybe I created an excessive amount of blog buttons...
What can I say?  Once I get started, it's hard to stop;)

See you at the party...
Happy Trails, y'all!

I knew I forgot something...
During the blog party everything in Wool & What-not will be 10% off!
Sale code to be announced later.


  1. Yay! Another Blog Party! Looking forward to it eagerly.

    Happy Anniversary--may God bless you with many more customers in the coming year, :-)

    God bless,
    ~"Wild Rose"~

  2. Happy Birthday Natasha!

  3. This will be my first movie blog party and it sounds like so much fun!! I love the buttons too!! What a fabulous way to celebrate a birthday with friends too!


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!