
March 18, 2012

The Silver Screen Blog Party {Questions}

Hello and welcome to the Silver Screen Blog Party!

Click here for more blog buttons to use in your posts.
To start things off, here's a short list of questions for you to copy and answer on your blog.
{If you don't have a blog, feel free to answer them in a comment.}
Please link up your blog posts in the linky below the questions so we can all enjoy blog hopping and reading each other answers!
Maybe we'll make some new friends, who knows? :)

 t h e  q u e s t i o n s

It seems to be standard procedure for blog party questionnaires to begin by asking you to introduce yourself to the rest of the party goers. Far be it from me to be remiss in my duty, therefore, do tell us a bit about yourself, in as many or few words as you wish.

What are a few of your favorite classic films?

Out of those films, who are your favorite characters (not actor, character)?

Share one of your favorite movie lines...

What is your opinion on remaking classic films?

How about colorizing black and white films?

Name a few of your favorite silver screen actresses.

Now a few of your favorite actors.

Why are they your favorites?

Do you enjoy westerns? Why or why not?

Are you a purist when it comes to adapting a book you love to the screen?

Are there any film adaptations that you enjoyed more than the original book?

There are a lot of wonderful classic TV shows, but which one is your favorite?

After watching a musical, do you hum and singing snatches of the songs as you go about your day?

Assuming the answer to the above is "yes", which song, without fail, get's stuck in your head?

What's the corniest film you've ever seen?


Here's where you link up your blog posts with the answers to the questions!

I hope you enjoyed answering the questions.  I'm certainly looking forward to reading your answers=)
I'll be posting the giveaway post tomorrow, so get ready!

And here's the coupon code for your 10% off discount from my shop: SILVERSCREENSALE1

As this is my first blog party and the first time I've used a linky gadget, feedback would be greatly appreciated!


  1. Happy Birthday, lassie! May God shower you with blessings in the coming year.

    *Goes off to answer the questions in this fabulous Blog Party*

    God bless,
    ~"Wild Rose"~

  2. I have only recently been following your blog and that was only after I saw your links from Branblewood Fashion's latest challenge. I was wondering if I may participate in this?

  3. I can't wait to read your answers, Rebekah! =)

    Greetings, Tulip! Yes, you are more than welcome to take part in the blog party! The more the merrier:)
    Thank you for visiting my blog!

  4. Tasha-I sure hope your birthday was wonderful in every way! I sent you a "singing email" yesterday which I hope you received. I can't wait to read all of the entries from this coming blog party! I have much to learn.

  5. Hello! Got here by way of another blog. Enjoyed answering the silver screen questions. Will be a regular visitor to your blog.

    Peace and blessings,

  6. I'm trying to link up....I'm not sure if it worked or not:)

  7. I just realized today that I forgot to link up last week! Ack! *facepalm*

    ~Tom Blonde-moment~


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!