
March 21, 2012

Going Through the Era's {Random Wednesday} - 1950s

I'm linking up to Bramblewood Fashion's Going Through the Era's event!

 This week {March 18th-24th} is the 1950s.
Today's theme is...Random Wednesday! 
{share photos/magazine scans/dishes/cleaning recipes/things you own from the era/etc...}

Today, instead of sharing more family pictures, I want to share some scans of my two Roy Rogers Comic books and one of my Roy Rogers music books.
These are all from the mid-fifties.

Click the images to enlarge.

an advertisement from the comic book
It can be very difficult to find Roy Rogers memorabilia that's in good shape and for a reasonable price.  
The guy was and is so popular and loved!

Roy and I think that's Roy Jr. "Dusty" with him.
Roy teaches you the basics of guitar

These pictures were also in the music book, although I'm not sure which film they're from.
That looks like Bob Hope with Roy, so possibly Son of Paleface?  I've never seen the film, so I don't really know.

And here's one of the songs from the book...


Happy Trails, folks!


  1. Hi: I know your blog is mostly for women--and I'm a man--but I enjoyed this entry. I like some of the music of Rogers/Evans and especially the one you featured.
    I wanted to tell you, also, that I think some of your wool goods are very nice. Maybe I'll someday buy an item for a friend or family member.

  2. Tahsa- What wonderful antique magazines to own!! Roy Rogers was such a favorite of all the kids back in the 1950s. And who could not be totally in love with the beautiful Trigger? I used to wish I could have a ride on him all of the time! Happy Trails to you!

  3. I'm so glad you both enjoyed this post!

    Anonymous - you are certainly welcome to read and comment on my blog anytime you wish!:)

    Winnie - I've wished that I could have a ride on Trigger, too, even though he was long gone by the time I become a fan. What a gorgeous horse!

  4. I love Roy! He was the greatest!!!

  5. Love your post. I can't believe you actually own some Roy Memorabilia's! I don' far (unless you count the movies as memorabilia's, LOL). I do believe that those pictures are from son of paleface, I recognize bob hope and the lady (though I don't know her name). Thanks for sharing!

  6. Roy Roger's - What a legend!


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