
March 12, 2012

Going Through the Era's {Fun Monday} - 1940's

I'm linking up to Bramblewood Fashion's Going Through the Era's event!

This week {March 11th-17th} is the 1940s.
Today's theme is...Fun Monday!
{share games, TV shows, music, radio shows and books from the era}

The Andrews Sisters were in high demand during the 40s, and were the most profitable stage attraction in the nation.

I just love their songs Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, Bei Mir Bist Du Shon, and Oh, Johnny, Oh Johnny, Oh!

{Fun Fact: those of you who watch the Narnia movies may recognize Oh, Johnny, etc. as it was used during the hide and seek scene in LWW.  You probably all knew that already, but you never know...}

One of the popular crooners of the day, and someone who has been one of my absolute favorite singers for as long as I can remember, is Bing Crosby.

Here's his version of Don't Fence Me In, one of my favorite songs, sung with the Andrews Sisters.

After checking out Hanne-col's post for today, I realized I'd excluded two of my favorite entertainers...
Roy Rogers and Dale Evans!
Several years ago, I fell madly in love with Roy and Dale.  All I watched were their movies.  All I listened to were their songs.   For about a year:)
And I still love them very much, but they've had to make room for others whom I have come to love.
But here are a few of my favorite songs from one their movies...

They just love giving each other a hard time and are so, so cute together! :)

I love all of their films, but I think that Lights of Old Santa Fe is my very favorite.

The Patty Lou books by Basil Miller are a series of Christian adventure book for teen-age girls from the 40s.
There are only 3 book in the series from what I can tell - there isn't any information on these books online that I can find - Patty Lou of the Golden West, Patty Lou's Pot of Gold, and Patty Lou of the White Gold Ranch.

I own two of them, although I must admit that I've only read one of them, Patty Lou and the White Gold Ranch.  I received the other book as a present from a friend last year and just haven't gotten around to reading it yet.  You know how it goes - so many books, so little time. ;)

Anyway, the one I have read was both interesting and fun to read, with a good Christian message.

My books are both marked Second Edition 1943 and were published by Zondervan Publishing House.

Basil Miller also wrote a Christian adventure series for teen-age boys, about a boy named Ken.  I have the first book in that series, Ken Rides the Range, but can't find it right now.  I enjoyed reading it very much, though.

I've seen copies of these books in antique stores for about $4 each, and I'm sure you could find them on ebay, if you are so inclined.


Happy Trails, y'all!


  1. Oh Gosh, this brought memories! My brothers and sisters and I(there were 7 of us!) were glued every Saturday morning watching Roy Rogers and Rin Tin Tin on that little black/white TV in the early 195os. I was so mesmorized by Trigger and Dale that my Mom made me a cowgirl skirt/vest for Christmas and gave me a stick horse. There I was galloping in the yard in my outfit replaying Roy Roger's episodes in my back yard!! Ha!!Trigger started a love affair with horses that I have never gotten over!

  2. Oh, what wonderful memories!! Yes, I just love Trigger and Dale. And I love Dale's horse Buttermilk from the TV series. It was Dale who inspired me to ride in a split skirt, instead of jeans. They're so much more comfortable that I'll never go back now.


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