
March 16, 2012

Going Through the Era's {Fashionable Friday} - 1940's

I'm linking up to Bramblewood Fashion's Going Through the Era's event!

This week {March 11th-17th} is the 1940s.
Today's theme is...Fashionable Friday!
{Sew something from the era using vintage, or reproduction patterns. Share your vintage clothing that you own. Do a hairstyle and/or makeup look/tutorial from the era. Do an outfit post.}

I decided to do a 40s inspired outfit today.
My darling red gingham dress that I'm sewing using a 40s pattern isn't finished yet, plus it's definitely a summer dress.  I'd rather wait and share it when we finally get warm weather up here.

Without further ado, my 40s inspired ensemble...

As it was raining/snowing/sleeting/whatever, I decided an umbrella was in order.

It was also approximately 36*F outside.

o u t f i t
broken umbrella.....who knows?!
black & white polka dot dress - Goodwill
vintage gloves -antique store
red bow belt - made by me (available from my Etsy shop)
black flats - Fred Meyer

Happy Trails y'all!

As shameless as this may be, I wanted to let those who don't usually read my blog know about...
the Silver Screen Blog Party!
{March 18th - 31st}

Please forgive the advertising, but as it's a complimentary theme to Ashley's Going Through the Era's event, I thought I'd risk it;)

I have some marvelous giveaway sponsors.
Giveaways are always fun=)


  1. Tasha- Not sure if my first post made it because of my computer goofiness!! So, disregard this one if the first one made it. You look absoutley adorable and chic in this modern 1940s dress idea with the perfect red bow belt from your Etsy shop! What a perfect combo to brighten that 36 degree rainy, slushy day in North Idaho! You look read to go the symphony or evening play!

  2. Super cute! I love your belt and the gloves!
    We're having the same kind of snow here in Washington...I'm starting to wonder if spring will ever come!


  3. Brr! You're very brave to wear a short-skirted, short-sleeved dress in 36-degree weather!
    ...but you look so very stylish. ;-)

    God bless,
    ~"Wild Rose"~

  4. cute! :) I can't wait to start letting the lighter and brighter skirts and dresses make their appearance either!
    and..HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)

  5. Thank you for your sweet comments, ladies!

    Yes, it was a bit chilly, but I'm a tough Idaho farmgirl;) Spring can't get here soon enough for me, though!!

    And thank you for the happy birthday, Rachel! =)


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!