
February 3, 2012

Pinafore Promise

I promised that I would treat myself to something special next time I made a sale on Etsy.
So, tonight I bought myself this...
Ok, so this is completely pathetic - our Net Nanny program is blocking the Blogger image uploader so I had to pin the picture to Pinterest and then embed it in the post.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again - if Net Nanny were a person, I would strangle her.
Sorry to get violent there, but you have no idea how irritating she is!!!
Um, yes, I did say "she".
Send help.
End Rant.
Ahem...where was I?  
Oh yes - I bought myself this...

Source: via Natasha on Pinterest

Isn't it the most darling thing ever?!

I've been planning on making myself some simple, vintage style, cotton print dresses for this summer, and this pattern looked absolutely perfect.
So, I bought it.

And I will definitely share pictures of the finished dress/dresses. =)

Happy Trails, y'all!


  1. Oh my goodness, Tasha! *squeal* most. darling. thing. ever.
    I love how Miss Red Gingham is nibbling daintily on an ice cream cone;)

    Congrats on the 15th sale! We need to have a cake one of these days...;)

    1. =D
      Yes, Miss Red Gingham is too cute - I love the drawings on vintage pattern envelopes. :)

      We really should...;D

  2. Net Nanny is indeed annoying. Very annoying. If she were a person, I'd help you strangle her :). Have fun with your new pattern :).

  3. Wow Tasha, what a find! That is one thing I hope to change this year. MUST learn to sew! Just have to.

    Can't wait to your masterpiece! :) Vintage is so pretty and quite feminine.

    1. Sewing is so much fun!=)

      I'm almost done with my first attempt at using this pattern and will post pics as soon as it's finished:)

  4. That's interesting.. The computer seemed to have not wanted to add "see" before "your" ;) ;) ;)


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