
November 12, 2011

Fall Fashion Challenge {Day Seven}

Howdy, folks!  Well, I'm tired but happy this evening.  We had a wonderful time at the Fall Folk Festival today listening to wonderful music and making new friends.  More about that in a later post.

I didn't have a chance to get really nice pictures of my outfit today, so you'll have to be happy with these mirror shots I took while at the festival;)

The last day, {Day Seven} of the Fall Fashion Challenge.
This has been so much fun - thank you for hosting Ashley!
The challenge for today was "wear a hat".
I love hats...but alas I did not wear one today.
I did wear a hat on Day 2 (I think that's what day), so maybe that can count;)

Sorry for the poor quality.  Frankly, I stink at mirror shots;)

~My Outfit~
Headband - Fred Meyer
Ruffle Scarf - crocheted by me
Cameo pin - ebay
The Grey Sweater - Amazon
Broomstick skirt - Cabelas
Happy Trails, y'all!

P.S. We did indeed get our first snow last night - about 6 inches. =)


  1. It was such a wonderful day...
    Dear, and have pity on me and send any pictures you took! I know I was so bad;) and forgot to send you the pictures from the sleepover right away, but I plead for mercy...=D

    Love you,

  2. It was a lovely, wonderful day!
    Mercy you shall have...;)
    Love you,

  3. Yeah, it was a pretty sick day. Lot's of fun.


    P.S. "I'm going of the rails on a crazy train..."

  4. "...Sir?"

    Yep, totally gross day.

  5. Mirror shots are hard. You have to concentrate so hard on not cutting off your own head (or arm...)that it's hard to smile. :-P You did a nice job, though--we can see your lovely outfit. :-D

    We got a light dusting of snow earlier this week, and around 1-2 inches least night...but it melted.

    God bless,
    ~"Wild Rose"~

  6. @Ani - totally sick.

    @Wild Rose -
    Mirror shots - exactly!;)
    Some of our snow melted today, but we still have about 4 inches. It's going to be slippery outside tomorrow.

  7. Kellie,
    The original song doesn't have "Sir" at the end. I was trying to be like the original.


  8. And yeah. You really do stink at mirror shots. ;)


  9. Thanks, Ani. You're so sweet. :)


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