
October 24, 2011

Hello, Blogger!

Wow, I'm typing my first official post on my new blog!

Well, first off, welcome to my blog, Day by Day!

My name is Natasha Marie, and I am a 22-year-old, formerly homeschooled, older daughter living at home with my wonderful family in beautiful North Idaho. 

For the past few years I've been blogging at 
I loved blogging at PlexPedia.  It's easy to use and fun.  But it just doesn't get the same amount of traffic as Blogger.  My old blog was mainly just about me and my life.  {You can read most of my old posts which I have relocated to this blog.}  While I will still blog about those things, I want to give more attention to promoting my Etsy shop, Wool & What-not.  Which is why I decided to move to Blogger.

I take pleasure in many things, but at the top of the list are studying God's Word and His amazing creation, riding my horse Bob, hiking with my dog Bonnie, raising sheep, reading, history (especially Scottish history), sewing, crocheting, playing the piano and mandolin, singing, babies, laughing, wearing skirts, long hair, watching classic films, dancing, historical costumes, homemaking, home education, vintage clothing, millinery, messing around in my garden, cleaning, photography, spending time with my family & friends, and web & graphic design.

It is my earnest desire to serve the Lord in all that I do and say, do His will, and by His grace be a godly woman.

I want this blog to be a light in the darkness for God's glory and I pray that you will be blessed in some small way by your visit here.
Many blessings,


  1. Hi Natasha! Welcome to the Blogger family. :) Great to have you join us over here. ;) I'm looking forward to your posts.

    Have a great week!

  2. Welcome to Blogger, Tasha! Your page is beautiful. I hate to admit it, but I could never figure out how to post a comment on Plexpedia...ha ha...maybe I could use dial-up as an excuse. ;-) Anyway, I think you will like Blogger, too. Have fun with your shop!

  3. Yay! Hurrah! And welcome! The new look is absolutely beautiful, and I love it;)

    This is so exciting=)

    Your loving,

  4. Like everyone else said, Welcome to Blogger. :-)

    Blogger does seem more well known in the Blogosphere (and it's easier for people without an account to leave comments). Best wishes on promoting your Etsy store!

    God bless,
    ~"Wild Rose"~

  5. Welcome Tasha! Love your new blog! It's purple :)! I will gaze longingly at the purple chair and the purple boots every time I come on your blog now :).

    Love, Michelle

  6. Thank you ladies for your warm welcome and lovely comments! I'm loving it at Blogger already:)

    @Michelle - You and me both! That plushy, purple chair is practically driving me frantic=)


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!