
April 7, 2011

Nancy Drew Fashion Week {Day 7}

Day 7 and the last day of Nancy Drew Fashion Week...
~Nancy Drew Vintage~
Something absolutely disgusting happened last night - it snowed.  ;)
But it's melted almost all away now=)
Kellie thinks this hat looks like a small, woodland animal...I guess it does rather;)
~My Outfit~
  • Vintage Hat - Ebay
  • Audrey Hepburn Watch Necklace - Etsy
  • Blouse - Walmart - same as Day 1
  • Beige sweater - hand me down - same as Day 1
  • Vintage gloves - antique store
  • Skirt - my mom's closet
  • Black Flats - Fred Mayer - same as Day 3
Happy Trails! 

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