
April 6, 2011

Nancy Drew Fashion Week {Day 6}

Hullo there! 
Well, today is Day 6 of Nancy Drew Fashion Week...*gasp*...that means tomorrow is the last day:( 
Truly tragic, is it not?  In fact...I think I might cry. 
*insert hysterical sobbing and much sniffing*
No, I'm okay - please pass the Kleenex this way, would ya?
Okay, seriously now, I have had so much fun being Nancy Drew for a week, and I want to thank Ashley and Natasha (Another Natasha! High five!;) for hosting this wonderful event:)
~Nancy Drew Vintage~
Who knows?  Playing the right combination of notes just might open a secret panel in the wall...
Well, it worked in Adventures in Odyssey!
" a deaf cabbage..."
If you have no idea what I'm talking about...that's okay.  Those who know, will know.
(Wow - was that profound, or what?!;)
I found the key shaped brooch in my mom's jewelry box.
~My Outfit~
  • Scarf - yet another show've seen them all now - pink, tan and cream.
  • Brooch - mom's jewelry box
  • Blouse - made by me - I'm planning on reworking the collar bugs me.
  • Belt - stolen from my brother;)
  • Skirt - same as yesterday, my favorite 1/2 circle skirt.
  • Shoes - I didn't go anywhere today, so I actually didn't wear any shoes - except mud boots for animal chores - but I would probably wear my brown flats with this outfit.
This is another outfit that I wear on a regular basis, less the brooch and belt.
Till we meet again...
Happy Trails, y'all!:)

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