
April 4, 2011

Nancy Drew Fashion Week {Day 4}

Okay, here we go - Day 4.
Yet another rainy day (with a wee bit of snow early this morning), so yet another indoor photoshoot with grainy pictures...:)
I'm going to put this in the Nancy Drew Vintage category, because the hat and gloves are vintage and the style of the jumper looks vintage to me:)
What secrets might our old grandfather clock be hiding?
It was a favorite secret stash for my brother and I...and not just for top secret spy stuff, either.  
Quite a few of our disgusting, chewable vitamins *shudder* made their way to obscurity beneath the old boy, never to be discovered...until we moved the clock 11 years ago.
My, was Mom surprised!;D
My beloved blue wool hat, a local antique store find.
A lovely pair of vintage gloves, picked up at "The Old Barn Antiques" store in San Juan Capistrano, California - if you're ever down that way, you simply must stop by this antique store.  Absolutely amazing. 
I bought the gloves for my mom when my cousin and I were on our Epic Pilgrimage...and a pair for myself...and a pair for Kellie...and, well, lots of neat stuff:)
~My Outfit~
  • Vintage wool felt hat - antique store
  • Blouse - gift from my grandparents
  • Jumper - made and designed by me - I paired the bodice from one pattern with my favorite 1/2 circle skirt pattern and viola! a jumper:)
  • Vintage gloves - antique store
  • Brown flats - Goodwill, same as Day 1
Happy Trails, y'all!

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