
April 24, 2011

a beautiful {Spring} day!

The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and it was over 50*F...
Today, it felt like Spring!!!
I brought the ewes and their babies up to our backyard today so they could nibble at the grass.
And here they be...
We have three 150' sections of portable electric fencing designed specifically for sheep.  It was kind of pricey, but it well worth it.   I use it to divide our big pasture into smaller sections, and in the orchard and backyard.  I LOVE it.
And here's "sulky", also known as Bonnie of the emaciated knee...;)
She's confined to the house and the dog run until the end of the month because her knee is still healing.
She's not very happy about that, but at least she got to see the lambs.   Bonnie loves the lambs:)
Oh, and it's her 5th birthday tomorrow!=)
The three amigos - Ned, Nancy and Percy. 
2 weeks old now, and getting bigger everyday:)
Aww, Percy is soooo cute:)
Esther and Nancy
Those stairs go up to our deck and the dog run, where Bonnie is, is underneath the deck.
There he is!  My little shadow, Aragorn...
As I was saying, my shadow;) 
And this is why he follows me...
...always looking for his next meal.
Yep, I'm lovin' my little bottle baby:)
I just wish his brother would get the idea and start drinking out of a bottle...
I'm still feeding him by syringe.
But, there are advantages to holding a soft, sweet lamb and he gets plenty of kisses;)
He sucks on my hair sometimes. *grin*
Full tummies and warm sunshine calls for naps...
Happy Trails, y'all!

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