
December 23, 2010

Wallpaper Wednesday

I almost, almost forgot to share my latest Christmas Classics wallpaper today!
But, I didn't, and here it is...
Presenting Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire in...Holiday Inn!
{Full size image located on the Graphic Design page}
Allow me to make a confession - I saw this movie for the first time this year.  *collective gasp*
I know - shocking isn't it?  I mean, me?  The classic movie lover?  And I saw this movie for the first time this year?!  Well, it may be shocking, but that's the brutal truth.
Anyway, I saw it for the first time, and, while it's not on my list of very favorite movies, you really can't beat Bing Crosby's singing and Fred Astaire's dancing! 
Confidentially, I couldn't stand ("And I can't stan' him!";) the character played by good ol' Light-bulb, Fred.  I know you're not really supposed to like him, but...let's just say I had to watch a different Fred Astaire movie to make me stop wondering why I ever thought he was a nice guy;)  I believe Royal Wedding fixed that...
And may I further say that some morning I am going to wake up to the ringing of my alarm clock, I am going to seize said clock, and I will throw it against the wall, and I will probably wind up in an insane asylum...just sayin'.
I won't say any more, because I don't want to give the plot away to any of my dear readers who haven't seen this movie (please tell me I'm not the only one!), but I definitely enjoyed this movie:)
Until next time, on Wallpaper Wednesday...
"Goodbye, good luck, and may the good Lord take a likin' to ya!"

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