
December 16, 2010

Wallpaper Wednesday

Oh boy, I am soooo tired!  My dad and I went Christmas shopping today, and I don't know about you, but walking around stores makes my feet tired:) 
But, it was a very successful shopping expedition, and I got everything that I needed to buy before Christmas.  Now I just need to get busy crocheting a few gifts.  I do this to myself every year, why I don't know - I wait until a few weeks before Christmas to decide what to make, and then spend all of my free time feverishly crocheting or sewing or whatever it is I have to do.  
So, I've been watching Christmas movies and crocheting like crazy for the past few days.  And I'm lovin' it=)
Okay, for today's Wallpaper Wednesday, I give you my absolute favorite Christmas movie...It's a Wonderful Life!
{Full size image located on the Graphic Design page}
- I have a few more wallpaper designs that I'm working on for this movie, but they aren't quite done yet...   I'm planning on posting them throughout the rest of the week -
It's a Wonderful Life is truly a wonderful movie.  Such a wonderful message that everyone can relate to - the Lord has a purpose for all of our lives, and we have no idea how many people we are affecting through our daily witness, even through the mundane every day stuff.   Our friends and family wouldn't be the same without us.  
I don't like to get emotional and cry in front of people, but when I watch this movie I can't help but tear up, and if I'm watching it by myself I just cry and cry and cry.  I always need a box of kleenex handy:)
But, it's not just a tear-jerker.  It's also laugh out loud funny!  And it stars Jimmy Stewart, my favorite actor!
I could go on and on about this wonderful movie, but everything I have to say can be summed up with this...
"I laughed.  I cried.  It moved me, Bob."
I now have to return to my crocheting and movie watching, so I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

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