
December 6, 2010

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

I spy...
...a cat to chase!
Time for some sledding!!  Really, you're never to old to go flying down a snow covered hill on your trusty toboggan:)
May I take this moment to apologize for my orange gloves?  Truly, they were the only gloves I could find.  Thank you.
Here we go...
Bonnie loves sledding, and usually manages to stay on about half way down the hill before she falls or jumps off.
Look out!! 
Incidentally, I did hit him...but I did try to swerve - really, I did - when I realized he wasn't going to get out of the way.  Too busy looking through the view finder, trying to get a close up.  Well, he got it.
Hehe - that's me.  I'm sorry.
And this is my case you didn't know. 
The one I hit with the sled. 
My favorite brother.
The only brother I have, actually;)
This is my dad.  He's just as crazy as the rest of us, believe me.  There's not a one of us that's completely normal.
We considered calling our farm The Loony Farm, but decided on Cedar Springs Ranch instead.  It makes us appear more normal in the eyes of others...we hope.
Mitts - even the cat isn't normal.  He has seven toes on each foot.
Trees, snow covered mountains, and sky.
The cats like to come on walks, too:) 
My dream horse - Bob - in his purple blanket.
Ahem, my dirty dream horse;) 
Bob is prone to colic, and I have to be especially careful during the winter because he tends to not drink enough water.  Silly boy.
"Well, what are you looking at?"
Photogenic Dewey - seriously, this horse poses for the camera.  He is such a ham.
Happy Trails, y'all!

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