
November 27, 2010

Christmas Creativity

And here is the finished Christmas Ice Skate door decoration...
Sweet, isn't it?
I took greenery cut from the trees in our forest and fake red berries and stuck them in the top, then tied the plaid ribbon around the top of the skate.  I used the skate's laces to make a loop on the other side of the skate to hang it from the wreath hanger. 
I think it turned out rather well, and I had fun making it:)
Merry Christmas!
A few weeks ago the cover of our Plow & Hearth catalog caught my eye...
Isn't that a cute idea?  I love it!
So, I'm working on making one of my own using my old pair of ice skates which are now too small for me.
The only thing I've done so far is clean the skate, and also cover part of the blade - I can just imagine my dad's reaction when the blade starts chipping paint off the door.  Not pretty;)
I used felt to cover the front and the back of the blade.
Now, I just have to decide whether to use fake greenery, or real. 
I think I'll go with real - we've got plenty of that around here:)
Happy trails y'all!

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