
June 3, 2014

Photo a Day // May // Weeks 3 & 4

O N E | Jenny's fiance, JD, and his almost niece Annie. :)

T W O | I love riding in Hank's pickup truck.

T H R E E | Lilly and Tiger.

F O U R | An outbuilding at Hank's grandparent's place.

F I V E | We found a frog...technically, Hank found him.  But I'm willing to take some credit. *grin*

S I X | We brought some of Hank's sheep up to his grandparent's place on Memorial Day.

S E V E N | And when we got back, there was a new little fella waiting at Hank's house!

E I G H T | Updating some of my Etsy listings with fresh photos.

Bad Wolf


  1. Awesome photo of Lily and Tiger! I also like the frog pic.

  2. Love the photos! Ahhh, and it's been so long since I've read your blog that I didn't even know who Hank is! But congratulations on your courting, you two! Hope everything is going well for you both. :)

    decked out in ruffles

  3. Love your photo collection! The lilacs and sheep on landscapes are beautiful!

  4. Bethany - That's probably my favorite photo:)

    Vicki - Aww, thanks dear! :D Everything is just ducky around here. :grin:

    Winnie - Thanks!


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